Strengthening professionalism
From November 26 to December 1, 2006, the Windy City - Chicago, Illinois - was the destination for radiologists from all over the world.
From November 26 to December 1, 2006, the Windy City - Chicago, Illinois - was the destination for radiologists from all over the world.
RSNA 2006 - that means six days of educational programmes, 1,625 scientific papers, more than 300 refresher courses and 738 technical exhibits on 514,800 square feet. The 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) which takes place in Chicago from 26 November to 1 December will once again be the highlight of the year for those who are in touch…
Sweden - ScandiDos AB is marketing a sensor module capable of one-step 3-D and 4-D dose verification.
Professor Stephen Eustace, of the Institute of Radiological Sciences, Mater Misericordiae Hospital & University College Dublin, reviews a new book on MRI, compiled by Mathias Goyen, who also recently received the KlinikAward 2006 in the 'Manager of the year' category
Mastering the “uncontrollable beast” By Brenda Marsh, Editor, European Hospital.
In 2003, Michael Friebe PhD launched the holding company TOMOVATION (neatly combining tomography and innovation). Back in 1993, Dr Friebe was the founder of Neuromed AG, which at the time was the biggest provider and seller of mobile diagnostic services and refurbished MRI and CT systems in Central Europe. This firm was subsequently bought by UMS AG.
After previous meetings in the USA (2002) and Japan (2004), this October the 3rd International Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging (IWPFI) took place in the German Cancer Research Centre, based in Heidelberg University, Germany. " 'The clinicians' need for earlier and more detailed diagnosis in pulmonary disease demands a joint interdisciplinary effort to push the limits in pulmonary…
The value of diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging techniques.
High-resolution tomographic scanners and other 3-D technologies provide a number of compelling advantages for diagnostic medical imaging.
Medtron AG is a leading European designer, manufacturer and distributor of contrast agent injectors used for CT, MRI and Angiography.
Guidelines updated for high-risk women aged between 20-49 years.
Surgery is no longer the automatic choice to eradicate malignant tumours.
Ideal solution for paediatric neurological and orthopaedic imaging.
Infants born very prematurely have a high probability of experiencing behavioural and neuro-cognitive impairments during childhood and adolescence.
Professor Raimung Erbel, of the West GErman Heart Centre Esse, Duisburg University Hospital aobut the hot topics of this years´congress.
By Professor Maximilian F Reiser, director of the Institute of Clinical Radiology at the University Clinic, Munich, Germany
MORTIS is a new teleradiology system which utilises high-resolution laptops to receive images for diagnostic purposes.
At the 11th International MR Symposium radiologists were urged to co-ordinate a campaign to detect disease earlier, and a new 'tandem' concept for diagnosis and therapy was revealed.
In an interview with Daniela Zimmermann, Executive Director of European Hospital, Dr Mohammad Naraghi, Head of the Department of Business Development at Siemens Medical Solutions, discussed developments in moleculary medicine, biochips, preventive diagnostics and a comprehensive and integrated health system for the future.
Dr Hanns-Joachim Weinmann, Diagnostics and Radiopharmaceuticals, Magnetic Resonance Imaging & X-Ray Research, Schering AG, examines what is feasible and what still lies only at a tantalising distance.
12 distinguished researchers and industry representatives presented the latest molecular medicine research at the Molecular Medicine - from Diagnostics to Therapy symposium - one in a series of annual diagnostics seminars organised by the Forum Medicine Technology & Pharmaceutics e.V.
Dr Robert Krieg, Director of MR Molecular Imaging at Siemens Medical Solutions, described, in an interview with Daniela Zimmermann of European Hospital, the limitations of physics and the potential clinical benefits of hybrid technology - and a hitherto hush-hush MRI-PET project
Generating targeting agents for diagnostics, prognostics and radiotherapy, by designing biochemically specific elements in contrast agents to be the targeting molecules attached to and carrying diagnostic or radiotherapeutic molecules to abnormal cells.
A report by Thomas H Magee.
We asked radiologist Cyrille H Benoit MD, Director of the Bellevue Zurich Radiology Institute, about the group's choice of radiology equipment - particularly its PACS - and the rules of reimbursement in the Swiss healthcare system.