
Accuvix XQ upgraded

Accuvix XQ, made by Korean firm Medison (pioneer of the first commercial real-time 3-D US scanner) has been upgraded and re-released as Accuvix XQ Prestige06.


Exclusive dry long film for digital CR/DR

XL, an exclusive, dry, long film for use in the Horizon XL printer - currently the only digital long film imager on the market - promises to not only to reduce costs, save space, and completely eliminate wet film processing needs, but also to enhance orthopaedic studies of paediatric and adult spines, scoliosis and long bone hip-to-ankle.



Professor Stephen Eustace, of the Institute of Radiological Sciences, Mater Misericordiae Hospital & University College Dublin, reviews a new book on MRI, compiled by Mathias Goyen, who also recently received the KlinikAward 2006 in the 'Manager of the year' category



Mastering the “uncontrollable beast” By Brenda Marsh, Editor, European Hospital.


Tomovation means innovation

In 2003, Michael Friebe PhD launched the holding company TOMOVATION (neatly combining tomography and innovation). Back in 1993, Dr Friebe was the founder of Neuromed AG, which at the time was the biggest provider and seller of mobile diagnostic services and refurbished MRI and CT systems in Central Europe. This firm was subsequently bought by UMS AG.


Visualising the breathing lung

After previous meetings in the USA (2002) and Japan (2004), this October the 3rd International Workshop of Pulmonary Functional Imaging (IWPFI) took place in the German Cancer Research Centre, based in Heidelberg University, Germany. " 'The clinicians' need for earlier and more detailed diagnosis in pulmonary disease demands a joint interdisciplinary effort to push the limits in pulmonary…



The value of diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging techniques.


The ERS 2006 COPD research awards

Belgium and United Kingdom - Two researchers, Dr Charles Pilette, currently at the Pneumology Department, University Hospital of Louvain, St-Luc, Belgium, and Dr William Man, who is completing specialist clinical training in Respiratory Medicine and General Internal Medicine, in London, have received this year's awards for research into Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), granted by…


Toshiba's 256-row CT

With Toshiba's 256-row CT scanner, Multi-Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) will make a quantum leap. Consequently, expectations were high when the new CT premiered during “New Horizons” on 18-21 October. And the expectations were more than met. In his presentation, Dr Patrik Rogalla, radiologist at the Charité Berlin, impressively demonstrated the diagnostic potential of the new 256-row CT…

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