Medical technology


Revolutionary invention

When Leo Baekeland invented the world's first true man-made plastic in 1907, his diary entry stated that he believed that "this invention will prove important in the future." This was definitely an understatement, since man-made plastics have revolutionised life for us all, especially in the field of drug discovery with major advances in PCR and QPCR techniques undertaken using plastic…


Lifebridge B2T

Worldwide interest in portable systems for cardiopulmonary support has grown significantly. While some systems are at the brink of market introduction, German company Lifebridge Medizintechnik AG reports that it is 'at the top of this medical technology market', for its smallest, lightest (18kg) system, Lifebridge B2T ('Bridge to Therapy') has been in clinical use since the beginning of 2008.…


The Olympus Medical Training Centre

At the Olympus Medical Training Centre (OMTC), sited at the successful Olympus Winter & Ibe (OWI) subsidiary in Hamburg, the firm's investment of three million euros has resulted in a centre containing a full range of medical and surgical equipment for comprehensive operating theatre set-ups.


Although French manufacturers had exhibited at Medica for many years, in the first year of the millennia, only 40-50 companies exhibited.


Plasma vaporisation

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common cause of voiding disorders in men. The hyperplastic tissue constricts the urethra and leads to lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that can be differentiated into irritative and obstructive symptoms. These can quite dramatically impact on the quality of life of affected people.


Article • New product from Sony launched at MEDICA

Launch of the PMW-10MD HD Camera

At MEDICA today, Sony announced the launch of the new PMW-10MD 2-piece HD camera, its first HD camera designed purely for the medical market. The camera breaks new ground offering unbeatable image quality for high precision surgical applications.

Computer assisted surgery, a synonym for new techniques being pursued in clinical practice

Surgical interventions are not radically altered by computer assistance but the quality and quantity of diagnostic information is continuously increasing leading to more transparency for patients. Therefore there is an increased demand on surgeons to improve the quality of therapeutic methods, operate with high precision and excellent reproducibility and document their work.


BVMed's autumn survey is encouraging

Job offerings in the medical technology sector in Germany continue to rise, despite increasing price pressure, according to results from a recent survey conducted by the German medical-technology association BVMed. Encouragingly, these show that, in 2008, 55% of the med-tech companies created additional jobs and roughly 30% of the companies kept a stable head count.



Maquet has launched Cardiohelp, the world's smallest, lightest heart-lung machine, that can not only provide a total therapy solution for heart surgery, cardiology, intensive and emergency care, but also, due to its suitcase size and 10 kg weigh, the device can be carried by just one person onto a helicopter or ambulance for mobile use.

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