

Albit ultrasound

Albit was designed as an easy-to-use and practical ultrasound device both for general diagnostic applications such as obs/gyn, paediatric, small subsurface organ examinations and specific diagnostic applications such as proctology, TRUS, anaesthesia, vascular surgery or orthopaedics.


Carestream gets orders for managed print solutions that save time and money

Carestream is receiving orders from healthcare providers around the world for its new Carestream Managed Print Solutions (MPS), a comprehensive, web-based, pay per print programme that tracks laser imaging film usage, and remotely monitors and delivers film inventory according to each facility’s needs. This comprehensive programme saves both time and money for healthcare providers.


Striding onto the world stage

Even a giant must learn to walk by taking small steps first. Founded in 1998, and as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Neusoft Corporation, Neusoft Medical has moved deliberately to build its strengths, becoming the premier developer and manufacturer of advanced medical equipment in China – and the first in that country capable of building a computed tomography (CT) scanner.


The next generation LEDs

Starled3 NX, a lamp manufactured by the ACEM Medical Company, is based on the next generation LED technology, assuring cold light, long life and low energy consumption, the Italian company reports.


Endoscopic Hemostat stems bleeding

A few years ago the American forces succeeded in dramatically lowering the mortality of soldiers from gunshot wounds with the help of a new, haemostatic powder. These silicate crystals, which attach to a wound, not only stem external bleeding but also internal bleeding resulting from stomach or duodenal ulcers, tumours or rare types of vascular deformities.

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