

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography (DCE-US)

Early functional evaluation of new treatments in oncology is of major importance. Overall survival rate is the best criterion for assessing treatment, but unfortunately it calls for lengthy follow-up whereas treatment efficacy must be ascertained as soon as possible. The morphological criteria normally used (WHO or RECIST) do not lend themselves easily to new therapies which often induce lesion…


Endoscopic Ultrasound Transducer with FNA Biopsy Capability

Endoscopic Ultrasound with Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) capability is relatively new for Toshiba. Recently the company has introduced a transducer enabling gastroenterologists to perform these kinds of examinations. Dr. Paul Fockens (PhD), Director of Endoscopy at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam, is an expert in this field. He has been Director of…


Sonographic Indications of Fetal Chromosome Abnormalities

"Genetic ultrasound" is a refined technique in prenatal diagnostics. It aims to estimate as accurately as possible and non-invasively, the individual risk of a fetal chromosome abnormality. In conventional prenatal sonography (malformation screening) conspicuous fetal malformations are searched for selectively; naturally chromosomal anomalies of the fetus cannot be detected in this…


Tissue Doppler Imaging

Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) is an emergingnon-invasive ultrasound technique that makes it possible to measure velocities at any point of the ventricular wall during the cardiac cycle. Over the last ten years, TDI has been proposed as a feasible and useful imaging tool that provides information on regional wall motion dynamics.


Enviromental Protection in medical technology

For the production of medical technology products more and more companies take enviromental protection and energy efficiency into consideration. Siemens Medical Solutions e.g. ensures with a holistic concept that the products not only match high ecological demands during production, but also in operation and beyond shutdown.


Aplio - Dynamic and Advanced Dynamic Flow

There are a number of problems in contrast imaging using LevovistTM contrast agent. In Doppler mode, the problems are poor resolution and large areas of blooming. In 2nd harmonic imaging and pulse inversion imaging, there are problems related to tissue harmonic imaging (THI) because Levovist requires a high mechanical index (MI). THI increases under high-MI conditions, and THI interferes with…


Learning from the Human Brain

In today's high end diagnostics and clinical research ultrasound systems are required that combine outstanding performance with excellent ease of use. With APLlO, Toshiba has developed a new platform that meets the highest demands for diagnostic confidence and workflow optimization. It is developed based on a groundbreaking new system architecture. This has made the implementation of numerous…


Pioneers in Ultrasound

Visions: Mr. Soldner, you are considered the father of real-time ultrasonic technique. How did that happen? Richard Soldner: The answer isn't simple because the development of ultrasonic diagnostics and its modern state are the result of a multitude of developmental steps over many decades and come from the most diverse sources. For example, J. P. Joule already described the magnetorestrictive…


Automatic Quantification of Left-ventricular Function

The evaluation of the size and function of the left ventricle in patients with suspected heart disease is a central diagnostic problem. In contrast to other methods of evaluating left-ventricular function (e.g., angiocardiography, right-sided heart catheterization, radionuclide ventriculography or MRI), transthoracic echocardiography is a widespread and readily available procedure that is not…


Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Ultrasound

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is the combination of ultrasound and endoscopy, which allows placement of high-frequency transducers close to the intestinal wall and adjacent structures. As EUS enters its third decade, it is used for locoregional staging of many upper gastrointestinal malignancies, including cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ampulla of Vater, extrahepatic bile ducts and…


Magic Microbubbles

The introduction of a new generation of microbubbles has created opportunities for ultrasound, and this is particularly true in the liver, where study of the arterial, venous and sinusoidal phases with an agent such as SonoVue at low ultrasound power levels (Iow mechanical index, MI) provides unique information. Similar diagnostic advantages can be obtained in diseases of the kidneys, spleen and…

Pioneers in Ultrasound

Visions: Mr. Soldner, you are considered the father of real-time ultrasonic technique. How did that happen? Richard Soldner: The answer isn't simple because the development of ultrasonic diagnostics and its modern state are the result of a multitude of developmental steps over many decades and come from the most diverse sources. For example, J. P. Joule already described the magnetorestrictive…


Procedure and Clinical Value of CT Fluoroscopy

The past several years, interventions using ultrasound for real-time image monitoring in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have increasingly been integrated into the daily clinical routine. Limitations due to image-distorting physical effects, such as the total reflection at the soft tissue/lung boundary, are associated with the use of ultrasound. CT fluoroscopy on the other hand enables…


Contrast Harmonic Imaging (CHI)

Case 1 50-year-old male with a colorectal cancer. Greyscale imaging clearly shows the lesion, as an echogenic 3 cm mass (Fig.l a), which must be considered as suspicious for a metastasis from his colorectal cancer but benefit of the doubt must be given. Colour Doppler (Fig. 1b) is not helpful. At 33 seconds after SonoVue injection (early sinusoidal phase), Vascular Recognition Imaging (VRI)…


Application of Vascular Recognition Imaging (VRI)

Vascular Recognition Imaging (VRI) is a low MI broadband colour Doppler method that images the interactions of Sonovue with microbubbles in a non-destructive manner as perfusion images of a quality never before achieved. The perfusion image represents the low velocities of unmoving or barely moving microbubbles as green-coded tissue perfusion, while the higher velocities of the veins and arteries…


CT Fluoroscopy

In recent years, interventional procedures using realtime image control by means of Ultrasound have been increasingly integrated into the clinical routine as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. However, a series of limitations in ultrasound result tram physical effects that interfere with the image. Combining fluoroscopy with a computed tomograph (CT) results in a procedure that enables…


Everything Echocardiography Offers - at 4559 Meters Above Sea Level

It has long been known that remaining at high altitudes leads to an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure caused by hypoxia. Its effects on cardiac function have also been considered well documented. The increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation causes an enlargement of the right ventricle and thereby causes a displacement of the left ventricle that is accompanied by a relaxation…


Postural and Musculoskeletal Advantages to Ultrasound Practitioners

Ultrasound scanning has been shown to cause a wide range of work related injuries. Indeed, according to recent studies, 70 - 80% of sonographers suffer work related pain (The Society of Radiographers, 1997, Arrowsmith, 2000) and industry standards suggest that 20% of sonographers in the UK are actually forced to end their career (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 2003). Poor equipment…


Looking at a New Generation

Most babies are born healthy, but there is still a small risk for all women to give birth to a baby with some type of anomaly. Ultrasound has proven to be one of the most reliable procedures to prenatally diagnose some of these conditions. Ultrasound can be used during the entire pregnancy, but in the first trimester ultrasound examinations are, as a rule, used to exactly calculate the pregnancy,…


From head to toe

Without doubt, the B-mode imaging is the most important examination method in prenatal ultrasound. Well over 90% of detectable congenital anomalies can be recognised using the two-dimensional realtime imaging method. Hence, paramount importance is certainly ascribed to the quality of the B-mode image in an ultrasound system. In addition, other ultrasound modalities help us to considerably enhance…


New Image Guided Therapy Suites at Sick Kids

In May 2001, the world's first CT-XR hybrid suite for image guided therapy in paediatrics was put into operation. The new Centre for Image Guided Therapy (IGT) at The Hospital for Sick Children allows surgeons and interventional radiologists to do something that's never been done before - work side-by-side when diagnosing and treating children. A total of 4 interventional suites were equipped…


NHS Wales Ultrasound Framework Agreement Signed for 2 Years

As part of a Welsh Assembly Government sponsored exercise for the replacement of radiology equipment within NHS Wales, Toshiba Medical Systems Limited was awarded a framework agreement for a 2-year period for the supply of ultrasound equipment until April 2005. Following an evaluation exercise undertaken by representative clinical staff within NHS Wales, Toshiba were chosen as the preferred…


New Breath for the Avignonnaise Radiology

Twenty years ago, during the construction of the Henri Duffaut Hospital in the community of Avignon, on the banks of the Durance, we transferred our radiology service at the Hospital St. Marthe (today the University Centre of Avignon, classified as a historical monument by the government) to the first floor of the new hospital. Over the years, our service has been restructured and adapted to the…


Takayasu's Arteritis

The rare disease Takayasu's arteritis (TA) belongs to the vasculitis group of diseases and is also known as inflammatory aortic arch syndrome or as pulseless disease because of its typical clinical picture. The pathological-anatomical manifestations include inflammatory transformation of the media and adventitia with the appearance of giant cells, hence the term giant cell arteritis is also used.…


High-Frequency Eyeball Sonography in the Differential Diagnosis of Papillae Changes

Since the beginning of the 90s, sonography has been a solid diagnostic pillar in ophthalmology centers, but it is also used by related medical disciplines, such as pediatrics, whose patients require ophthalmological treatment. For all age groups, the fundus of the eye, and especially the optic disk, is well-suited for high-frequency sonography with linear transducers. This type of examination…

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