

Screening for Chromosomal Defects

Chromosomal abnormalities are major causes of perinatal death and childhood handicap. Consequently, the detection of chromosomal disorders constitutes the most frequent indication for invasive prenatal diagnosis. However, invasive testing, by amniocentesis, chorionicvillus sampling (CVS) or cordocentesis, is associated with a risk of miscarriage of about 1% and therefore these tests are carried…


The new Xario

In October 2004 Toshiba introduced Xario, its new, premium high-end ultrasound scanner to the market and exhibited the system at major congresses throughout Europe. The following article gives an overview of its features and functions and provides an insight into the latest technological developments for meeting the rapidly changing demands of today's challenging clinical practice.


Contrast agents in Sonography

Ultrasound contrast agents (USCA) or echo enhancers consist of minute gas containing microbubbles that have a high reflectivity when exposed to an ultrasound field. The history of USCA started in the mid of the 1960s. The cardiologist Joyner performed echo cardiography during the injection of saline solution into the aortic root via a catheter. During the injection he observed bright signals on…


Ultrasound Diagnostics of Tendon Injuries in Hand Surgery

Sonography is an increasingly used examination procedure for the diagnosis of illnesses of the hand, especially of the soft tissues. Sonoanatomic assessment of the functional structures (Tab. 1) sometimes allows the exclusion of various differential diagnoses. However, this requires quite a bit of experience on the part of the examiner. The assessment of the peripheral nerves can be difficult -…


Tumour Characterization Using Micro Flow Imaging

Due to echogenicity differences in comparison with the surrounding liver tissue conventional B-mode-imaging sonography permits the unambiguous classification of the frequently occurring typical liver cysts (criteria: round, echo-free, smoothly demarcated, with edge shadows and sound through transmission) and calcifications (highly reflective, acoustic shadows). The detection and characterization…


Everything Echocardiography Offers - at 4 559 Meters Above Sea Level

It has long been known that hypoxia at high altitudes leads to an increase of pulmonaryarterial pressure. For sensitive persons, one crucial factor for the development of HAPE is the overwhelming rise in pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Using right heart catheterization average pulmonary-arterial pressures of 60 mmHg were encountered in earlier studies of HAPE patients. A pressure increase…


Vascular Imaging in Prenatal Medicine

The following two articles look at the advantages of a new ultrasound technique in prenatal diagnostics: Advanced Dynamic Flow (ADF). While the authors use ADF for different purposes - K. S. Heling applies ADF for general vascular imaging and R. Schmitz focuses on fetal liver tumours and a fetal aneurysm in the vein of Galen - they both arrive at remarkably similar conclusions. But read for…


3D Vascular Imaging

Imaging of blood flow with colour Doppler sonography is an established method in prenatal medicine. Today, there are several techniques which offer colour visualisation whose quality is on a par with that of the B-mode. One example of such a technique is Advanced Dynamic Flow (ADF). Looking at two cases, we will describe the clinical use of ADF to visualise fetal vascular tumours. The quality of…


Pancreatic Tumours and Echo-Enhanced Ultrasound

Echo-enhanced ultrasound is a newly available imaging modality for use in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic tumours. Ductal carcinomas are often hypovascularised compared with the surrounding tissue. On the other hand, neuroendocrine tumours ar hypervascularised lesions. Tumours associated with pancreatitis have a different vascularisation pattern depending upon their inflammation and…


Tissue Doppler Imaging of the Fetal Heart

In the last 25 years, fetal echocardiography has become established as an integral component of prenatal medicine. Structural heart defects are found in approx. 0.8% of all foetuses. They are consequently comparatively frequent and head the list of isolated fetal organ malformations. Routine screening of the four-chamber view and the outflow tract allows the experienced investigator to detect…


Sonography in Renal Disease

Ultrasound examination of the renal tract is one of the primary imaging methods to verify the presence of urinary obstruction, calculi, neoplasms, and other focal findings. This short article summarises important aspects of sonography for some typical renal abnormalities without claiming to be a comprehensive treatment. Since sonography is frequently nonspecific, clinical laboratory findings are…


World Class Volleyball Set Against a Perfect Backdrop

It was the perfect tournament. The crowd cheered enthusiastically, the players gave their best, and there was no lack of celebrities. With a 93,000 strong audience, this year's Beach Volleyball A1 Grand Slam Tournament in Klagenfurt, Austria, proved to be a top-level sporting event. Top beach volleyball players such as Clemens Doppler delivered exciting games and ensured maximum audience…


Central Patient Admissions - the new Task and Challenge for Ultrasound

In Germany, a comprehensive reimbursement system designed around Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) was introduced following the Health Reform Act of 2000. The previous method of payment, wherein the number of treatment days was multiplied by the amount allowed per treatment day, was discarded. The new DRG-based payment system requires the optimization of patient treatment, from admission to…


3D USCT nears reality

Back in the 70s, when scientists first speculated on the development of 3-D ultrasound computed tomography (3-D USCT) the available technology could not equal their dreams. Now, before the end of 2007, a prototype at Germany's Karlsruhe Research Centre will be used for the first in-vivo tests.


Child abuse - radiological images provide important hints

The number of unreported cases of child abuse is extremely high. Experts estimate that there are at least twice as much cases as registered yearly. One reason for this disastrous situation is the fact, that physicians are not trained in reading the signs. Prof Dr Markus Uhl, paediatric radiologists from the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany, explained to EUROPEAN HOSPITAL which specific…

Transrectal Ultrasound in Prostate Cancer: State of the Art

The current prostate cancer disease burden is considerable due to the high prevalence of the disease, widespread early detection, and the relatively long survival time since many men will die with rather than due to prostate cancer. In the United States, one in every three new cases of cancer in men is prostate cancer. Worldwide, in 2002, it was predicted that 679,023 men received the diagnosis…


Korean ultrasound firm wins leadership award

Medison, the Korean-based manufacturer of diagnostic ultrasound systems founded in 1985 and pioneer of the first commercial real-time 3-D ultrasound scanner, recently received the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Competitive Strategy Leadership Award.

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