IT for Istanbul
Turkey - The recently opened 74-bed Florence Nightingale Kiziltoprak Hospital, which has three operating rooms and 10 ICU beds, is one of four hospitals in a Turkish healthcare network.

GE Healthcare reports that it has equipped the hospital’s radiology department with the firm’s diagnostic imaging products 3T MR Signa HD and the LightSpeed VCT, as well as mammography and ultrasound systems.
To manage the massive increase of radiology patient data and images the brand-new hospital has also adopted GE’s Centricity RIS/PACS. ‘The system provides ultra-fast image display and storage, extended 3-D review possibilities, a speech recognition system and online-dashboards, resulting in seamless workflow and faster treatments,’ GE points out.
With a total 13 Centricity RIS/PACS workstations, Dr Mustafa Sirvanci, in the Radiology Department, said that images from the Florence Nightingale can now be shared remotely via the web, as and where required, with other hospitals within the network.
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- MRI (792)
- ultrasound (737)
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