

From Screening to Diagnosis and Follow-Up

Easy to operate, highly accessible, fast and mobile - these are the characteristics that make ultrasound the No. 1 used modality in diagnostic imaging and the reason why leading healthcare providers continue to invest in innovation to drive workflow improvements. Siemens Medical Solutions continues to lead the way in innovating workflow solutions for their customers expanding the use of…


Medical technology

As in past years, this year's MEDICA is one of the most important stages for the medical technology industry. International manufacturers will do a song and dance to dazzle the international clientele. As Managing Director of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (Deutscher Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. - ZVEI), Hans-Peter Bursig, is well…


New concept leads to greater leadership

Changes in the healthcare sector are presenting increasingly difficult challenges to European hospitals, but, according to the hospital chain Ategris GmbH, based in Mülheim/Oberhausen, these pressures '…might present a chance to open up encrusted structures'. The company reports that it … 'embraces Christian values while optimising existing hospital structures' and has worked on a new model of…


Medical technology trends

As in past years, this year's MEDICA is one of the most important stages for the medical technology industry. International manufacturers will do a song and dance to dazzle the international clientele. As Managing Director of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (Deutscher Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. - ZVEI), Hans-Peter Bursig, is well…

Management Teams

Changes in the healthcare sector are presenting increasingly difficult challenges to European hospitals, but, according to the hospital chain Ategris GmbH, based in Mülheim/Oberhausen, these pressures '… might present a chance to open up encrusted structures'. The company reports that it '… embraces Christian values while optimising existing hospital structures' and has worked on a new model…


The healing environment

The healing environment approach is a comprehensive concept targeting the elimination of stress factors for patients as well as their visitors that would otherwise minimise patient's wellbeing, impair the healing process, or even violate their dignity/privacy.


The most useful EU-supported venture

The Eastern Lithuania Cardiology Project (ELCP) - an integral inter-institutional regional project sponsored by the Lithuanian Government and the European Structural Funds, which began in 2004 - will end this year. In May, those who voted on the Lithuanian EU Support official website (a specially organised event, focusing on all EU-supported projects in all fields) nominated this project as the…


USP Hospitales de Marbella

USP Hospitales is a prominent Spanish hospital group with a network of 31 facilities in Spanish cities. The group also owns a 25% share in Hospitais Privados de Portugal, the hospital affiliate of the Portuguese bank Caixa Geral de Depositos. USP Hospitales acts as a consultant for the bank's six hospitals in Lisbon, Oporto, Sanghalos, Lagos and Faro. USP Hospitales recently founded the company…


EHFG celebrates 10th anniversary

In 1998, during Austria's first EU presidency, Professor Günther Leiner founded the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG). From 3-6 October this year, the Forum will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Our Austria correspondent Hans-Christian Pruszinsky asked Dr Leiner about the value and role of this organisation in Europe today.


The World of Health IT

Austria - Following the first World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition last year, the organisers have decided that the 2007 meeting (22-25 October) will 'move on from exploring fact-based IT solutions to examining health IT in the wider context of health delivery'.

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