

Article • QC at AACC 2023

New risk-based quality control assessment for clinical labs

Juggling the cost of quality control (QC) resources versus the risk of testing error is a balancing act no clinical laboratory manager enjoys. It is an inexact process, itself prone to error, which can impact the operations of hospital labs and independent clinical testing companies. In the current resource-constrained healthcare environment, there is pressure to improve the cost effectiveness of…


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Protecting patients and healthcare workers

In the last decade, regional and global health organizations have pushed for making safety a central pillar of procurement, with a directive that cost should not be a barrier. The crucial question is: How easy is that to implement? How can a confident decision be reached that protects patients and healthcare workers without straining costs?


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Hygiene in endoscopy: What’s next?

For many endoscopy wards, 2022 has been a year of transition and transformation. The field saw the advent of innovative reprocessing techniques, but also increasing strain due to personnel shortage and the demand for greater sustainability. We spoke with Paul Caesar, Reprocessing and Infection Control Leader EMEA at Pentax Medical, about the company’s upcoming solutions for the year ahead.


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An update for contrast agent injection

The Accutron CT-D Vision is the next generation of the leading contrast agent injector for computed tomography from Medtron AG. Focusing on the needs of the user, the latest development stage of the Accutron CT-D improves the usability of the CT double-piston contrast agent injector and optimizes its integration into the radiological environment.


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Enhanced early detection of liver cancer

Worldwide, about one million people are suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In Germany alone, there are 9,000 new patients each year, most of them men between 50 and 60 years. When liver cancer is detected early, the prognosis is excellent, says Professor Dr. Ali Canbay, Director of the Medical Clinic at the University Hospital/Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum. While, unfortunately,…

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