Women's health


A new imaging tool?

Mammography is the common way to detect breast cancer. But it's not perfect: it struggles to image dense glandular tissue or early-stage tumours. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers best sensivity but it is expensiv and not always specific enough. Now researchers have come up with another option: a scanner that integrates thermoacoustic and photoacoustic tomography to achieve dual-contrast…


Pregnant Jessica

Wales - Jessica Tate is pregnant. Hers is a normal pregnancy. There is, however, some concern because she wants her baby to be born at home, but is often alone there because her partner must travel for his work. Mid-term, she is tired and has mild anaemia. At one stage in her pregnancy she also falsely believes labour has started and is worried. However, all should go well. She benefits from…


CAD improves breast cancer diagnosis

A study recently published in the online version of the American Journal of Roentgenology evaluated the clinical value of Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) software in the interpretation of mammograms. In the course of the study, the recall rate, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and cancer detection rate for single reading with CAD, versus double reading without CAD, were investigated.


GE Healthcare expands expertise in mammography

GE Healthcare recently acquired Image Diagnost International GmbH, an IT provider specialised on developing integrated software solutions for mammography workflow and image processing. With this acquisition GE Healthcare expands its capabilities in offering clinicians and national screening services an even more expanded portfolio for the detection of breast cancer.


Diagnostic accuracy varies by radiologst

For women with breast symptoms such as lumps, the ability of diagnostic mammograms to detect breast cancer accurately depends strongly on which radiologist reads them, according to a Group Health study published online Dec. 11 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.


Innovations to improve cost and quality of patient care

“We have a broad set of products and services that enable healthcare providers to improve the quality and cost of patient care,” said Carestream Health's Chief Executive Officer Kevin J. Hobert with reference to Carestream´s RSNA highlights. “We have digital technology and consulting services that few companies can match, and our integrated imaging and IT solutions are helping healthcare…



Switzerland - European experts presented and debates that controversial topic - breast cancer screening programmes - during a September symposium organised by Carestream Health.

Mammograms or MRI scans?

X-ray based mammograms detect only 56% of early lesions in high risk women compared with 92% when MRI scanning (mostly used for brain scans), according to a study by Christiane Kuhl and colleagues at the University of Bonn (pub: the Lancet. 8/07).


Digital mammography: Higher detection rate for DCIS

The Vestfold County Study, performed by Norwegian researchers, is the first large scale study comparing the results of a particular full-field digital mammography system (FFDM) with that of conventional mammography. Einar Vigeland, Department of Radiology, Vestfold Hospital, Tønsberg, Norway, and his colleagues collected data over a period of two years.


Are New Techniques Needed in Modern Sonography?

Breast cancer is the most frequently occurring malignant tumour worldwide. Of the more than one million newly diagnosed cases each year, the incidence among women in Germany alone is more than 50,000. That means that every tenth woman is stricken by breast cancer at some point in her life. It numbers among the most frequent causes of death by cancer 1,2,3 , with the average age of onset being…


Tissue elasticity reveals tumours

When equally compressed, the tissue and structure of tumours and inflammations are harder than normal tissue. Hitachi explains that, taking advantage of these alterations, the sono-elastography technique conducts real-time measurements of elasticity ratios during minor pressure to the breast, using conventional ultrasound transducers.


CTLM for cancer detection in dense breasts

Paolo Belli MD, Carmen Malaspina MD and Professor Lorenzo Bonomo, of the Department of Radiology, UCSC, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome, discuss results from using computed tomographic laser mammography (CTLM) to detect cancers occult to mammography in dense breasts, and their comparison of CTLM with MRI to follow results of neo-adjunctive chemotherapy

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