

A free-to-download spectrum generator

The Institute of Cancer Research in London, UK, offers a new research tool for calculating emission spectra from X-ray systems on their website. The SpekCalc computer programm is made available free of charge to medical physicists who need to describe the spectrum generated by an X-ray set used in radiotherapy and diagnostic radiology.


Agfa HealthCare presents CR enhancements

Agfa HealthCare is presenting its complete range of Computed Radiography (CR) solutions at RSNA 2008. From desktop and compact solutions to the DX-S CR system that fills the gap between CR and DR, Agfa HealthCare offers its customers the right solution for every facility of any size.


Warner Electric

With over 40 years' experience in spring-applied brakes (static and silent), toothed clutch and electric linear actuator, Warner Electric designs and adapts its products especially for manufacturers of power chairs, mammographs, X-ray machines, scanners, operating tables and patient hoists.


C-Arm technology in daily use

Last year, orthopaedics and sports medicine specialist Dr Rainer Burgkart (left), who is also a musculoskeletal researcher, selected a new C-Arm for use at the Technical University of Munich (Klinikum rechts der Isar). Recently, we asked him for the reasons behind this choice and his subsequent experience with this device.


The Carestream DRX-1

This September, Carestream Health revealed the first wireless cassette-size DR Detector. The Carestream DRX-1 system, which incorporates a console and wireless 14x17 inch cassette-size digital radiography (DR) detector, provides a rapid, affordable conversion for users of radiographic film or computed radiography systems, Carestream explains.


CT: Optimising dosage

AquilionONE is the first CT scanner capable of imaging whole organ regions up to a width of 16 cm in one rotation and within a split second. Based on the raw volume data, rapid dynamic processes within an entire organ (e. g. heart, pancreas, kidney or brain) may be diagnosed with a time interval of 50 ms, i.e. with a rate of 20 volumes per second.


First wireless DR detector

Carestream Health's engineers created the first wireless DR detector which is not bigger than a standard cassette and can therefore withstand the challenging environment of a modern x-ray department. The rugged detector, case, and internal components are made to produce DR images of high quality under real-life x-ray department conditions.


Exploring the nano-world

A new type of super-resolution X-ray microscope invented by researchers from Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) gives pin sharped insights into the composition of semiconductor devices and cellular structures.


The 2nd National Russian Radiology Congress

Drawing together radiologists from all of Russia is a challenge - even more surprising is meeting the president of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) and other well-known radiologists from the rest of Europe writes Meike Lerner, of European Hospital, who was at the 2nd National Russian Radiology Congress held in Moscow this May, to report on the hot topics in radiology over the eastern…


India's world experts on TB

Every three minutes, two people living in India die of tuberculosis. This equates to approximately 370,000 deaths each year, and a staggering economic toll: an estimated US$300 million in direct costs and US$3 billion in indirect costs.

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