

Vielversprechende Forschungsergebnisse zu Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen

Das Center for Cardiovaskular Research (CCR) an der Berliner Charité konnte sich durch vielseitige Grundlagenforschung über die deutschen Landesgrenzen hinaus bereits einen Namen machen. Nun stellt das CCR in einem aktuellen Zwischen- bericht unter anderem vielversprechende Ent- wicklungen einer neuen Medikamentenklasse bei Endorganschäden und die Erforschung der Blutgefäßbildung bei…

Growing up with diabetes

Diabetes presents a special challenge for the young. Here we see how a young Swiss girl has successfully come to terms with her metabolic disorder. A true life story from Bayer HealthCare Diabetes Care (BayNews)


MEDICA 2008 opens its doors

When from 19 to 22 November the world's largest medical fair takes place in Dusseldorf, the entire city is in a kind of emergency state: hotels are bustin' out of their seams, traffic periodically comes to a standstill and at night exhibitors and visitors alike crowd the narrow streets of the Altstadt and the fancy hotel bars and enjoy whatever entertainment North Rhine-Westphalia's capital has…


Insulin-Produktion dank transplantierter Zellen

Die erste am Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus vorgenommene Transplantation von Inselzellen aus einer Bauchspeicheldrüse verlief erfolgreich: Zwei Wochen nach dem Eingriff bildet die seit 51 Jahren an Diabetes Typ 1 erkrankte Patientin wieder körpereigenes Insulin. Die Transplantation ist Ergebnis einer über zwei Jahre dauernden, aufwendigen Aufbauarbeit an Uniklinikum und Medizinischer…


Education for the best disease management

At the opening of the Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute in Paris experts took the opportunity to warn against the growing incidence of diabetes. They reinforced the believe that improved education measures as a key enabler for patients to better manage the condition. They predicted that in 2025 the number of people with diabetes wil have increased by 20 percent in Europe.


Typ 2 Diabetes: Is low cholesterol associated with cancer?

Yes, it is, according to a prospective cohort study published in CMAJ. The study was conducted by researchers from the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Science and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their result: A V-shaped risk relation between LDL cholesterol and cancer in patients not receiving statin therapy.


Better diabetes care for the UK

Good news for diabetes patients in the UK: According to a report published recently by the Department of Health, diabetes care in the NHS is improving and focusing more on prevention. The result: More patients have been identified, and in more people at risk development of the condition could be prevented.


Want to take part in clinical trials?

People with diabetes are often interested to be involved in research trials, according to the patient organization UK Diabetes. Therefore, the Diabetes Research Network (DRN) announced an initiative which shall help diabetics to play a greater role in research.


Hopes for new treatment

Researchers have discovered a potential new treatment for diabetes by isolating and killing defective cells which prevent the natural production of insulin. The investigation opens the door to a potential therapy for patients with type 1 diabetes.


Gastrin analogue against diabetes

Transition Therapeutics Inc. announced that the first patient has been dosed in a Phase 2 clinical study of gastrin analogue, TT-223, in patients with type 2 diabetes. Gastrin based therapies are an emerging class of potential disease-modifying treatments for patients with diabetes.


Stop transplanted insulin cells from dying

Researchers at Linköping University and Uppsala University in Sweden can show that accumulation of protein aggregatess, amyloid, in the transplanted cells may be causing their death. With the aid of their results, physicians can enhance survival of islets transplants and improve treatment of type 1 diabetes.


Diabetes: an increasing threat to people and society

Approximately 31 million people in the European Union are suffering from diabetes, a devastating disease with severe consequences for patients and their families, but also for the society at large and the economic prosperity of Europe. This week EH Online will focus on innovative strategies in diabetes care and on new management systems to support physicians and patients alike. Moreover, we will…

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