Laws & regulations


Bids begin to increase telecare

At Telecare 2007 exhibition held in Birmingham, UK, this September, Moira Mackenzie, the Scottish Executive's Telecare Programme Manager spoke of aim of the country's new government (minority Scottish Nationalist party, elected in May 2007) is keen to reform healthcare which it will change through administrative reform.


The most useful EU-supported venture

The Eastern Lithuania Cardiology Project (ELCP) - an integral inter-institutional regional project sponsored by the Lithuanian Government and the European Structural Funds, which began in 2004 - will end this year. In May, those who voted on the Lithuanian EU Support official website (a specially organised event, focusing on all EU-supported projects in all fields) nominated this project as the…

Revised international accreditation standards for hospitals

The Joint Commission International (JCI) has produced a revised set of international accreditation standards for hospitals. Initiated in 1997, the JCI developed out of a need seen by the international community to have standards of care to assure quality and safety for patients. "When these standards were first devised, organisations around the world were trying to apply the US domestic standards…


Central Patient Admissions - the new Task and Challenge for Ultrasound

In Germany, a comprehensive reimbursement system designed around Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) was introduced following the Health Reform Act of 2000. The previous method of payment, wherein the number of treatment days was multiplied by the amount allowed per treatment day, was discarded. The new DRG-based payment system requires the optimization of patient treatment, from admission to…


Clinical Research: Eastern Europe will soon catch up with Germany

Asklepios proresearch, a clinical research organization located in Hamburg, Germany recently presented its annual report about clinical research activities in Europe. Their result: The number of participations of clinical studies in Germany, one of the leading countries in research projects, slightly increased in 2006, with a positive trend for 2007. But countries like Poland and Russia are…

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