Czechs lost another drug case

By Rostislav Kuklik

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) concluded that Czech legislation still doesn't comprise harmonized legislation related to technical aspects of handling the blood and its derivatives.

The Czech Republic should have inserted respective regulation paragraphs into the law already back in 2005, unfortunately, whole legislative process was delayed due to approval process postponed gradully at all stages. Members of Parliament approved the law amended with European technical directions in October 2007, and it yet awaits approval from Senate and the President. However, by losing this court pursuit, the Czech Republic doesn’t face any sanctions, it is only imperative that all court expenditures be paid. This is not the first case that country lost due to inability to amend current legislation with EU regulative directions. In September and October 2007 ECJ convicted the Czech republic in three pursuits for not having EU regulations implemented into its legislation related to medicinal use of traditional herbal preparations.


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