
News • Medical devices

Pacemakers with Internet connection

The ageing of society needs new, more cost-effective solutions to improve the life quality of patients and cut the burden that is placed on the social welfare system. In modern western societies the fitting of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) is growing rapidly.

News • technology

Does my App look big in this?

The joint European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) and MedTech Europe Working Party announced today the launch of its Workshop Report and resulting “Roadmap for Medical Device Development in Europe.” This initiative is aimed at answering the question, "what constitutes - ‘high quality’ of clinical evidence for medical technology," in particular from an ethical, patient,…


Article • Mobile IT

How secure are your data?

The appetite for mobile information technology (IT) seems insatiable. Boosted by the sales of the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple generated a record $18 billion profit in 2015’s first quarter alone. Social media use is exploding, and dedicated professional platforms, such as Figure 1, a sort of Instagram for doctors, increasingly emerge. These changes are affecting our daily lives, and this is also true…


Sponsored • Platform

Data management

The Infinitt Eco system brings together manufacturers, partners and customers via a single platform. The portal to the system is the Infinitt Store, which provides users with a comprehensive insight into the product range on offer, and enables quick inquiries to be made.

News • IHE Connectathon 2015

Sectra tests display of breast tomo images

At the recent North American IHE Connectathon in Cleveland, Sectra (STO: SECT B) successfully completed testing of the IHE profiles MAMMO and DBT (Digital Breast Tomosynthesis). The testing was done using Sectra PACS which implements the Image Display and Image Manager actors of these profiles.


News • Mobile

App capable of halving medication errors

The Calité Research group at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche together with the Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, have designed the app ‘Alicia’. The aim of this application adapted to iPhone, iPad and Android, is to help patients over 65 years with multiple pathologies to administer their own medication at home.


News • Mobility

Faster First Aid for Catastrophe Victims

A new system aims to speed up the triage of victims during mass casualty incidents: Instead of colored paper tags, first responders use colored electronic wristbands. These serve to locate victims and transmit vital data to emergency response control centers. FIT also demonstrates an app for Android smartphones that lets victims buried alive under a collapsed building contact rescue teams even…


Article • IT mobil

Mobile apps take students into the laboratory

Mobile apps have proved to be valuable educational tools, but laboratory instructors thus far have been limited to using mobile devices only for virtual laboratories with simulated experiments. Now, researchers at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering have developed a series of mobile applications that allow students to remotely interact with real data and equipment in real laboratories.


News • Twitter

Twitter can predict rates of coronary heart disease

Twitter has broken news stories, launched and ended careers, started social movements and toppled governments, all by being an easy, direct and immediate way for people to share what's on their minds. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have now shown that the social media platform has another use: Twitter can serve as a dashboard indicator of a community's psychological well being…


Article • Technology

Virtual assistance during procedures

The adage ‘practice makes perfect’ is applicable to every profession – but even more so for pilots and surgeons. Flight simulation technology has been used for decades to hone aviators’ skills, and this technology is now being used by neurosurgeons to plan as well as practise surgical procedures and for real-time virtual assistance in operating theatre. Report: Cynthia E Keen


News • Market

Andalusia Health Service Selects Accenture and Carestream

Andalusia Health Service has selected Accenture and Carestream Health to deploy a picture archiving and communications system (PACS) that will allow clinicians to manage, store and share diagnostic imaging data across more than 1,600 healthcare facilities in Spain. This initiative by the Andalusia Health Service is expected to go live in late 2015, creating one of the largest medical imaging…


Navigated Augmented Reality enhances medical applications

The digital world is being enriched by augmented reality (AR), which refers to any type of information offering the user additional help. Mostly, we don’t even notice it; the only external sign being Smart glasses. When new cars are launched we are always surprised by the constantly developing assistance systems they offer – and it’s the same for the growing number of smartphone…


Germany’s healthcare IT is ‘average’

‘Germany has realised that something must be done,’ Professor Britta Böckmann of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, concludes, referring to a 2012 study from Accenture that showed this country to be only average in expandable healthcare networking compared with other countries. Report: Chrissanthi Nikolakudi

News • E-Health

24/7 On-Board Pediatric Telemedicine Service

Carestream Health announces cooperation with MSC Cruises and Italy’s Gaslini Institute in Genoa, Italy. As part of this collaborative effort, Carestream will be providing a cloud-based teleconsultation portal to enable the Institute to deliver remote diagnosis, specialist second opinions, patient monitoring and referrals wherever needed at any time.

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