Raising bladder cancer awareness
Bladder cancer is the 2nd most frequent urological cancer in men in Europe and the 7th most common cause of cancer-specific mortality.* Despite the fact that it is one of the most expensive cancers to treat from diagnosis to death**, it is still underrepresented in public awareness and cancer research. IPSEN aims to make a difference in providing Innovators in BC® – a website for international healthcare professionals to raise awareness for the forgotten cancer. aims to be neutral and independent. It is an educational, science-based international platform for medical professionals fighting bladder cancer.
The bladder cancer topic of the year 2016
With initiatives such as the annual voting of the bladder cancer topic of the year, the website delivers most important bladder cancer topics elected by European urologists. “Risk management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)” has been voted the most relevant BC topic of 2016.
“NMIBC is the disease with the highest lifetime treatment costs per cancer patient. Moreover, this cancer causes a major burden on individuals affecting their quality of life and survival: Approximately one third of NMIBC is eventually going to progress into an invasive BC”, said Professor Shahrokh F. Shariat, Medical University of Vienna. ““Improved risk management represents a cornerstone for stratified treatment of NMIBC patients.”
On the topic of the year, you will find more information also in the EAU CONGRESS REVIEW BOOKLET 2016 or in a summary of posters from AUA congress within the NEWS section.
Bladder cancer posters
This year, about 100 bladder cancer posters were presented at the annual congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU) in Munich. To foster the discussions on current science and innovation and to raise the level of bladder cancer patient care, this year 3 urologists from France and Germany evaluated the presented posters on bladder cancer during the EAU congress in Munich. To view the elected posters, please visit the section BEST BC POSTERS.
Expert quotes
European experts comment on latest bladder cancer topics such as economic burden or trends in bladder cancer treatment. The potential of Innovators in BC® will increase with its number of users. As a “living tool” the website is regularly updated with congress news, interviews, slide kits and more. Innovators in BC® is a restricted area for medical practitioners from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland, developed by Ipsen.
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*GLOBOCAN 2012; **Sievert et al., World J Urol 2009