
Discovering Toshiba

Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation is a global medical solutions company covering research and development, manufacture, sales and service for medical diagnostic X-ray systems, CT scanners, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, nuclear medicine systems, as well as healthcare IT systems and radiation therapy equipment. Daniela Zimmermann, of European Hospital, recently visited Toshiba's…


Accuvix XQ upgraded

Accuvix XQ, made by Korean firm Medison (pioneer of the first commercial real-time 3-D US scanner) has been upgraded and re-released as Accuvix XQ Prestige 07.


The EOS digital x-ray unit

Traditionally, radiography systems have an X-ray tube at one end, film-screen cassette or detector at the other, a table between, and perhaps a mounted assembly on a U-arm or chest stand.


Turf wars

Nowadays, no radiology conference would be complete without a discussion on turf battles. The rapid development and broad acceptance of cardiac CT has exceeded expectations, and both radiologists and cardiologists are incorporating this technology into their practices. Educational courses on cardiac CT are in high demand and well attended by both radiologists and cardiologists.


Carotid stenting suffers a setback

The debate between carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA) - the surgical approach - for treating a narrowing of the carotid artery in the neck to prevent stroke has tipped in favour of the more proven procedure of operation.


Toshibas Vantage Atlas Plus Large Bore System

EXCELART Vantage Plus powered by Atlas is the new works-in-progress 1.5T large bore system from Toshiba. It´s elliptical large bore design will decrease incidents of claustrophobia, giving patients more room during an MRI exam. The system also provides an expanded field-of-view (FOV) at up to 55cm - allowing clinicians to capture high-quality images across the entire bore.


RSNA 2006 — Strengthening Professionalism

RSNA 2006 - that means six days of educational programmes, 1,625 scientific papers, more than 300 refresher courses and 738 technical exhibits on 514,800 square feet. The 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) which takes place in Chicago from 26 November to 1 December will once again be the highlight of the year for those who are in touch…

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