Medical technology


Learning from the Human Brain

In today's high end diagnostics and clinical research ultrasound systems are required that combine outstanding performance with excellent ease of use. With APLlO, Toshiba has developed a new platform that meets the highest demands for diagnostic confidence and workflow optimization. It is developed based on a groundbreaking new system architecture. This has made the implementation of numerous…


Sure Start

The use of state-of-the-art helical CT scanners allows for ultra fast examination of larger regions of the body. Due to the short examination time, optimum utilization of the intravenous contrast medium bolus is of extreme importance. The Sure Start function grants this in a very simple way.


Magic Microbubbles

The introduction of a new generation of microbubbles has created opportunities for ultrasound, and this is particularly true in the liver, where study of the arterial, venous and sinusoidal phases with an agent such as SonoVue at low ultrasound power levels (Iow mechanical index, MI) provides unique information. Similar diagnostic advantages can be obtained in diseases of the kidneys, spleen and…


Technical Insights into the Dual-slice CT

In 1999, the Aquillion/MULTI and Asteion/MULTI multi-slice systems with highly integrated 34-channel detector system, both consisting of a total of 30,464 detector elements, were introduced. On the basis of such a structured detector matrix, a new image reconstruction procedure was used. This so called MUSCOT (Multislice Conebeam Tomography) procedure made the dream of an isotropic voxel in the…


The Four Pillars of Successful Digital Networking

During the past several years, the term DICOM has become a phrase in the digital world of radiological diagnostics. For image production and processing as well as in organizational and administrative processing, DICOM has proven itself to be the crucial "traffic junction." The demands for a common image and communications standard follow from the development of new generations of…


High Resolution Protocol Optimization

Since the introduction of multi-slice computerized tomography (MS-CT), several authors have reported an increased exposure to radiation when using the manufacturer-specific protocols compared with the previous technique of single-slice computerized tomography (SS-CT). On the basis of comprehensive dose measurements conducted on a phantom, a study by S. M. Giacomuzzi et al reported that the mean…


Tissue Doppler Imaging for assessment of pseudonormalization of the mitral inflow pattern

Impairment of left ventricular relaxation may lead to pulmonary congestion and symptoms of heart failure even in patients with preserved systolic function. Doppler echocardiography has become the non-invasive method of choice for the assessment of both systolic and diastolic dysfunction. However, Doppler-derived parameters such as mitral inflow velocity, deceleration time and isovolumic…


Aquilion 16 - A new CT concept in optimized patient care

Two university hospitals in Germany and Japan were the first worldwide to receive the Aquilion 16 high resolution computed tomograph (CT) from Toshiba Medical Systems for simultaneous recording of 16 body slices with extremely high image resolution. A computed tomography Aquilion 16 was put into operation on October 7, 2002 at the central campus of Charite Berlin (Figure 1). This is the third…


The Perfect Partnership

The Ultimax with image intensifier & CCD camera technology is already well established as a premium multipurpose digital imaging end interventional system. The addition of DynaDirect FPD technology with its exceptional high-resolution performance simply makes the Ultimax the most advanced high performance multipurpose digital imaging system available. The combination of the Ultimax and…


The Perfect Partnership

The Ultimax with image intensifier and CCD camera technology is already well established as a premium multipurpose digital imaging and interventional system. The additional DynaDirect FPD technology with its exceptional high-resolution performance simply makes the Ultimax the most advanced high performance multipurpose digital imaging system available. The combination of the Ultimax and…


Head and Neck Imaging

Multislice computed tomography (MS CT), which was introduced to clinical imaging as fourslice detectors in 1998 has fully proven its superior performance over conventional scanner technology. For example, it provides optimized resolution of detail and increased scan speed. Simultaneously, this technology has opened new indications for computed tomography, for example, in heart imaging. However,…


The Wonderful World of Images Report on the Workshop

Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) and contrast echocardiography open up new possibilities for exactly representing and assessing functional cardiac disturbances. This was the topic discussed by Dr. Harald Becher of John Radcliff Hospital, Oxford, and Dr. Jörg Strotmann of the University Clinic Würzburg in the framework of the Toshiba workshop “New approaches in echocardiography” at the European…


Everything Echocardiography Offers - at 4559 Meters Above Sea Level

It has long been known that remaining at high altitudes leads to an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure caused by hypoxia. Its effects on cardiac function have also been considered well documented. The increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation causes an enlargement of the right ventricle and thereby causes a displacement of the left ventricle that is accompanied by a relaxation…


Postural and Musculoskeletal Advantages to Ultrasound Practitioners

Ultrasound scanning has been shown to cause a wide range of work related injuries. Indeed, according to recent studies, 70 - 80% of sonographers suffer work related pain (The Society of Radiographers, 1997, Arrowsmith, 2000) and industry standards suggest that 20% of sonographers in the UK are actually forced to end their career (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 2003). Poor equipment…


Advancing Pediatric Imaging with 16-Slice CT

Pediatric imaging presents many unique and difficult challenges to the radiologist. Correct and rapid diagnosis is extremely important in pediatric imaging and to that end we constantly strive for tests that offer more information, accuracy and versatility. However, it is also our duty to provide tests that are safe and minimise exposure to ionizing radiation. In recent months there has been…


Optimization of Temporal and Spatial Resolution for Cardiac CT Diagnostics

Further developments in computer and detection technology over the last few months and years have made it possible to overcome, to a large degree, the previously limitations of medical computer tomography in spatial and temporal resolution, and thus to permit “detail-true” representation of the beating heart. The diagnostic workflow and computer-tomographic diagnosis of the heart using the…


Robotic Forceps

Toshiba has developed robotic forceps for use in laparoscopic surgery — a type of minimally invasive surgery that contributes to the patient's quality of life. By using the robotic forceps, the surgeon can lay sutures from any direction without difficulty.


Methods and Results of Radiation Exposure Reduction Using Multislice CT

The number of CT examinations undertaken over the past few years has increased remarkably worldwide due to the new diagnostic possibilities afforded by multislice computer tomography (MSCT). As the new technology is gaining ground, many researchers and radiologists are looking for ways to reduce patient radiation exposure. In 2001, Giacomuzzi et al.1 of Innsbruck reported an up to 2.6-fold…


Aquilion 32

With the launch of the Aquilion 32, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation continues at the forefront of computed tomography (CT) technology. The most advanced 32-slice CT scanner available, the Aquilion provides increased patient comfort and the most flexible choice of speed and accuracy in CT scanning.


A Small Primer on the Clinical Use of MSCT for Heart Exams

Because of the rapid technical and scientific development over the past few years, multislice computer tomography of the heart has become increasingly established in the clinical routine. This requires, among other things, knowledge of the anatomy of the coronary arteries, the meaningful evaluation of the calcium score and the appropriate reproduction of the function of the left ventricle.


Celebrating the New Partnership the "Japanese Way"

The Amphia Hospital in the Netherlands is an amalgamation of three hospitals: the Molengracht and the Langenberg in Breda and the Pasteurlaan in Oosterhout, with a total capacity of 1100 beds. At present, these hospitals are not specifically specialised and consequently there is considerable staff movement from one facility to another. However, in the near future a high-tech facility will be…


Asteion Super 4

On Wednesday, 24 March of this year, I arrived in Warsaw, Poland, where my Polish colleague, Mr Sikora, picked me up and we continued our bumpy road to Katowice by car. The roads were bad and the weather was worse: snow, snow and more snow. But finally we made it to Gornoslaskie Centrum Medyczne in Katowice, where the first Asteion Super 4 had been installed in a European hospital. It is the…


The new Xario

In October 2004 Toshiba introduced Xario, its new, premium high-end ultrasound scanner to the market and exhibited the system at major congresses throughout Europe. The following article gives an overview of its features and functions and provides an insight into the latest technological developments for meeting the rapidly changing demands of today's challenging clinical practice.

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