Philips unveils iCT
The Philips flagship product at RSNA, the 256-slice Brilliance iCT scanner, allows radiologists to produce high-quality images with exceptional acquisition speed, including complete coverage of the heart and brain. It is so powerful it can capture an image of the entire heart in just two beats, while incorporating Philips technology that has reduced radiation doses by up to 80 percent.

The scanners deliver key clinical insights for a wide range of applications in the radiology and cardiology settings, while the enhanced visualizations will be valuable for doctors diagnosing and treating problems within the heart. The Brilliance iCT scanner is also designed to reduce patients’ exposure to X-rays. The scan is much quicker, as the machine’s X-ray emitting gantry – the giant ring-shaped part that surrounds the patient – can rotate four times in a single second, which is 22 percent faster than current systems.