Medical technology


Leading-edge Laser Microdissection Technology

The Leica LMD7000 is the only laser microdissection system with a power adjustable, high precision laser. For the first time, high laser power and high repetition rates, are combined within one system. The laser's high pulse repetition rates are ideal for the fast excision of single cells, cell clusters, or thin and soft samples. Additionally, high laser power allows the dissection of thick or…


Wundauflagen mit Wirkstoffdepots

Allein in Deutschland müssen jährlich schätzungsweise vier Millionen Patienten mit chronischen Wunden versorgt werden. Eine Wundauflage, die von den Hohenstein Instituten in Bönnigheim im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Medizin-, Bio- und Umwelttechnologien e.V. (GMBU) in Dresden entwickelt wurde, eröffnet…


Huntleigh: Diagnostic division with new website

A new version of the Huntleigh - Diagnostic Products Division web site was successfully launched in January of this year with a new brand identity and will be followed by a change of the logo on products, facilities, and marketing materials in a transition that is expected to take about 18 months.


Do you know the right financing strategy for your hospital?

Since the beginning of the global economic crisis the question of whether and how much hospital managers should invest in updating medical technology has become more complicated. Fear of making the wrong decisions and insecurity around future budgets make it even more important to find trustworthy and competent financial solutions shaped to the specific needs of individual hospitals. VR Medico,…


2009 economies

At the dawn of 2009, amid economic gloom worldwide, GE Healthcare has predicted that sales of its higher-priced (imaging equipment will be down in the USA in 2009, compared with 2008, and it is anticipating cost-cutting, which would include a reduction of employee levels.


Surgical lights gain LED technology

The popularity of LED lighting units is inevitably increasing because LED light is infrared-free and cool, creating good work conditions for surgeons, and minimising the danger of tissue dehydration. In addition, the nearly limitless service life of LEDs lowers maintenance costs and ensures safe, reliable work, the operating theatre equipment and surgical lighting specialist Berchtold explains.


Despite the poor market outlook Medica 2008 proved a superlative event

Dusseldorf, November — Medica's anniversary had many significant facets: in its 40th year, and for the 40th time, this spectacular international medical trade fair broke its previous year's record in visitor numbers — but, only just. The event was not only struck by the snow and ice of a sudden winter onset, but also by a storm that brought a level of chaos to Messe Dusseldorf's outdoor…

Digital pens quickly collect care data

Within a project named `Healthcare Documentation & Digital Pen´, Hamburg based IT firm Allpen is to supply digital pens to 300 employees of the healthcare association Diakonie Pflegeverbund Berlin. Based on Swedish firm Anoto's Digital Pen and Paper (DP&P) technology, each pen is fitted with a digital camera and comes with raster paper, which can be printed out either as a care form or…


Kein Geld für chirurgische Innovationen?

An neuartigen Diagnose- und Behandlungsansätzen mangelt es in der Chirurgie nicht, trotzdem finden gegenwärtig nur 1 Prozent der Innovationen ihren Weg in die Praxis. Es fehlt an wissenschaftlichen Studien, die Nutzen und Risiken der Verfahren und Techniken belegen. Professor Dr. med Hartwig Bauer, Generalsekretär der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH), kennt die Gründe und zeigt…

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