Harvard Business School Executive Education

Healthcare delivery is undergoing a profound transformation. To compete effectively, healthcare executives are charged with improving both the financial performance and medical outcomes of their delivery systems. In response to this, Harvard Business School Executive Education is offering two healthcare programs; Leading High-Performance Healthcare Organizations and Managing Healthcare Delivery.

Photo: Harvard Business School Executive Education

Leading High-Performance Healthcare Organizations is an executive strategic planning program for senior management that provides essential skills and tools needed to enhance operational processes and budgetary controls and take advantage of new models of care delivery. This program helps participants optimize medical advances and information technology, as well as implement plans for increased competitiveness.
Managing Healthcare Delivery helps healthcare delivery leaders design, manage, and improve their organization. Composed of three on-campus and two off-campus modules, this program provides participants with the techniques and frameworks to diagnose organizational issues and develop a strategy for enhancing performance and outcomes within their healthcare delivery systems.
To learn more about both of these programs, please visit: http://www.exed.hbs.edu/category/hcp.html.


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