

Toshiba's 256-row CT

With Toshiba's 256-row CT scanner, Multi-Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) will make a quantum leap. Consequently, expectations were high when the new CT premiered during “New Horizons” on 18-21 October. And the expectations were more than met. In his presentation, Dr Patrik Rogalla, radiologist at the Charité Berlin, impressively demonstrated the diagnostic potential of the new 256-row CT…


Financing a turnkey project in Poland

The Kopernik Angio Centre, which opened last November in Lodz, Poland, is a five million euro turnkey project. In 1998, the radiology department at the Kopernik hospital needed modernisation, but the hospital's owner - the province of Lodz - could not afford such a large investment and, as a public institution, the hospital itself could not seek a financial loan. A way around the problem was…


Defying physics

Dr Robert Krieg, Director of MR Molecular Imaging at Siemens Medical Solutions, described, in an interview with Daniela Zimmermann of European Hospital, the limitations of physics and the potential clinical benefits of hybrid technology - and a hitherto hush-hush MRI-PET project


Interview • Nuclear imaging

SPECT-CT versus PET-CT: The 'little sister'?

When it was suggested, during our interview with Dr Torsten Kuwert, Director and Professor of Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, at Friedrich-Alexander University Hospital, Erlangen, that SPECT-CT is the little sister of PET-CT, and that he might have preferred to install the ‘big brother’, Dr Kuwert pointed out the greater cost of PET, explaining: ‘The isotopes are more…



Scientific meetings held since 1998 at Alpbach, Germany, have attracted the sponsorship of leading associations and companies such as the Philip Morris External Research Programme, the Donors Association of German Science, Swiss National Fund, the German Heart Centre Foundation, Berlin, and Philips Medical Systems. At the 4th Alpbach Meeting, which focused on Magnetic Resonance, Contrast…

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