


Germany - The Barmherzigen Brüder Hospital in Regensburg, serves the populations of Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. 20 years ago, this hospital had only three operating theatres; today there are sixteen


The EC and teleradiology

The recently published European Commission Communication on Telemedicine for the benefit of patients, healthcare systems and society has focused in particular on teleradiology, i.e. telemedicine services involving the electronic transmission of radiographic images from one geographical location to another for interpretation and consultation, writes Michael Palmer, Project Officer at the eHealth…


Growing Europe-wide impact of eHealth

The 7th European eHealth conference kicked off on Thursday, February 19,, 2009, with high-profile attendance and a strong determination to bring forward the application of eHealth in the Member States and on a supranational level. Several national health ministers and secretaries of state pledged their clear commitment to further developing eHealth in Europe despite all of the current economic…

2009 TeleHealth conference program announced

At the International TeleHealth Conference (5 and 6 March) leading experts from the healthcare sector will come together in Hannover, Germany, to evaluate the latest developments in digital medicine. Alongside established topics such as telemonitoring, telematics infrastructure and eHealth, this year's conference will also focus on telemedical applications in the area of military and disaster…

Mit IHE-Standards sparen Krankenhäuser Kosten in Millionenhöhe

Die internationale IHE-Initiative (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) setzt sich für die Integration verschiedener Informationsstandards in klinischen Arbeitsabläufen ein, so dass medizinische IT-Systeme unterschiedlicher Hersteller Informationen austauschen können. Das Einsparpotenzial ist für viele der rund 2.100 deutschen Kliniken überlebenswichtig. Denn sie sind mit steigenden Kosten…

Tele-oncology proves successful in Canada

An estimated 6.7 million people in developed countries were diagnosed with cancer in 2007. Delivering their care is no easy matter. Tele-oncology, the remote provision of oncology services, could not only reduce the costs of consultations for cancer departments, but also for patients. Kerry Heacox, of i.t. Communications, reports on the success of remote consultations in Labrador and Newfoundland.…


Finding new ways of monitoring elderly patients at home

Hungary is going to start a major new collaborative research programme to transform the care of elderly citizens was announced in Hungary. A broad consortium of private and public sector organisations, led by GE Healthcare has secured HUF 895 million (US $4.2 million) from the Hungarian government to research and develop new ways of monitoring the health of elderly citizens in their own homes. …


MEDICA 2008 opens its doors

When from 19 to 22 November the world's largest medical fair takes place in Dusseldorf, the entire city is in a kind of emergency state: hotels are bustin' out of their seams, traffic periodically comes to a standstill and at night exhibitors and visitors alike crowd the narrow streets of the Altstadt and the fancy hotel bars and enjoy whatever entertainment North Rhine-Westphalia's capital has…


Med-tech industry profits are hit by the global financial crisis

The sector is ‘clearly strained’, says Joachim M. Schmitt, Managing Director and Member of Board of the German Medical Technology Association, BVMed, in Berlin. But, the good news is, employment is up and, he adds ‘We are at the beginning of a medical technology revolution’. ‘Overall, healthcare is certainly more panic-proof than, for example, the automobile industry,’ said Joachim…


Neues Telemedizin-Internetportal in NRW

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Telemedizin und die ZTG Zentrum für Telematik im Gesundheitswesen GmbH, haben eine engere Zusammenarbeit beschlossen. Beide Partner sind überzeugt, dass die Telemedizin für die Modernisierung und zukünftige Leistungsfähigkeit des Gesundheitswesens eine bedeutende Ressource darstellt.


Further increase in number of exhibitors

The COMPAMED, the leading specialist international trade fair for suppliers to the medical manufacturing market, is held parallel to the MEDICA, the world's largest medical trade fair, each year and showcases the dynamism and innovative power of the medical technology sector. The COMPAMED 2008, High tech solutions for medical technology, will, with around 500 exhibitors from 30 nations, once…


Laboratory Outsourcing: What next?

A quiet revolution is occurring in clinical laboratory services. In any business model, laboratory services are cost centres, and cost centres can be moved around, services outsourced, amalgamated, contracted out. Globally, diagnostics and laboratory outsourcing are following the already trodden path of information technology.

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