

ResearchGATE: the first social network for researchers

Despite the importance of networking and interaction between researchers and scientists no social networking platform dedicated to researchers existed before ResearchGATE ( went online. Designed to facilitate efficient peer-to-peer contact, this network allows researchers to post their profiles, a CV, publication list and research skills. On behalf of European Hospital, Dr…


Wound management in practice

Marie-Luise Müller is President of Deutscher Pflegerat e.V. (German Care e.V) Council, and Chair of its Congress, which was held alongside the Capital Congress on Medicine and Health 2008 in Berlin this June. During our interview, we asked her whether there is too little German medical and political recognition of nursing as a health profession in its own right.


Sharing news breast cancer has come back is worse than giving initial diagnosis

"Hearing the sad news that breast cancer has returned can be a devastating experience for patients, especially as this means that the disease is no longer curable. Doctors also find imparting this information to women with whom they have developed a trusting relationship over the years extremely distressing. However, optimal use of available treatments will enable more women to stay cancer-free…

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