
Controversial urological issues

Some of the most controversial issues in urology will be discussed by leading experts during the five-day 25th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU) in Barcelona (ES). From April 16 to 20, close to 12,000 participants and 3,000 company representatives are expected to gather in one of the world’s biggest annual professional meetings in urology.


The new world of biomarkers

While biomarkers are acknowledged as useful tools in the early assessment of patient response to treatment, radiologists are less clear on how they can be applied in clinical practice. The ECR session Biomarkers: new word, new world, new work? explored a number of new applications for biomarkers with senior radiologists discussing their relevance in different areas.


European Patients’ Forum Launches New Website

The European Patients Forum (EPF) redesigned its website as a vital communication tool for its members and for the health community as a whole. This decision resulted in an improved website which offers a fresh new look that technically provides its online visitors with significant improvements in navigation and easier accessibility for users with disabilities. EPF President Anders Olauson…


A fitness checkup for healthcare IT

Two Hitachi bundles, Discovery and start-up, which are currently only available in Germany, have been produced to enable more effective storage management. ‘Specialised consulting packages help medical facilities to achieve a reduction of costs caused by the deployment of more data-intensive diagnostic technologies or archiving regulations,’ the firm explains.


The 12th Düsseldorf International Endoscopy Symposium

In an address inviting nurses and doctors to attend the 12th Düsseldorf International Endoscopy Symposium, held from February 5-6, Professor Horst Neuhaus and Dr Brigitte Schumacher outlined the events to be held for gastroenterologists, oncologists, internists, surgeons, interventional radiologists, nurses, trainees, students and industry representatives.


An English language programme within the MEDICA Congress

Every November the exhibition centre in Düsseldorf becomes a beehive of activity for four days, when 17 halls are transformed into the biggest market for medical technology worldwide. The figures speak for themselves: more than 4,300 exhibitors – including the smallest newcomers to the global giants – cover almost 120,000 square metres where they will face thousands among the 136,000…


Vexing questions for anaesthetists

How can postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction be avoided? How is it best to address the problem of epilepsy? How can anaesthetists cope better with a patient death under anaesthesia? These difficult questions were among many addressed by specialists at HAI 2009, the annual conference of the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI). Report:…

Experts fear for Europe’s medical engineering

When over 3,000 international experts gathered at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Munich, Germany to evaluate future trends, they heard that Asia is showing major gains in medical engineering — a field in which computer sciences are a key innovation driver – but that Europe is on the way to innovation leadership in telemedicine and e-health.


The GE Venue 40 series

GE Healthcare is presenting its new Venue ultrasound product line at Medica. The Venue 40, the first product launched, provides visualisation for needle guidance procedures and rapid diagnostics in real-time at the bedside. These point-of-care (POC) settings are the fastest growing in ultrasound internationally (USA growth: 30% average in the last four years. Source: industry report by Klein…

Arzt mit Familie - (k)ein Widerspruch?

Der Frauenanteil im Medizinstudium hat mittlerweile die magische Grenze von 60% überschritten. Allerdings bleiben ca. ¼ aller Akademikerinnen kinderlos. Dennoch wird die Frage der Vereinbarkeit von Ärztinnenberuf und Familie zunehmend zur alltäglichen Managementherausforderung im Krankenhaus. Gleichzeitig sind so genannte Vereinbarkeitsfaktoren wichtige Attraktoren bei der…


The role of nutrition in the elderly

At the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) congress in Vienna, experts highlighted the important relationship between nutrition and functionality in the elderly. They discussed the importance of an effective and flexible screening tool for the measurement of nutritional status, the impact of nutritional status on fall and fracture risk, and the role physical exercise…

EHFG 2009: Health Policy between Ethics and Finances

The economic crisis has considerably intensified the relationship between what is ethically desirable and financially possible. This is clearly demonstrated by the numerous events devoted to the subject of “Financial Crisis and Health Policy” in the scope of the 12th European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG). Around 600 participants in the areas of politics, health administration, medicine,…

European Practice Assessment wins Health Award 2009

The "European Health Award" presented this year at the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) goes to the European Patient Assessment (EPA) project. EPA is designed to improve the exchange of knowledge and experience by practical physicians in the area of primary care. Cross-border healthcare initiatives are distinguished every year with the European Health Award.


ECCO 15 and 34th ESMO Multidisciplinary Congress unites European Oncology

The first joint congress ECCO 15 - ESMO 34 of the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) is taking place this week in Berlin. It is the only congress in Europe that covers the entire spectrum of cancer from basic science and translational research, to prevention, treatment, nursing and supportive care for all types of tumours.

New European Academy of Cancer Sciences founded

A new initiative designed to inform and educate policymakers at national, European, and global level about the needs of the oncology community was launched at Europe's largest cancer congress, ECCO 15 — ESMO 34, in Berlin. The European Academy of Cancer Sciences will help to keep the interests of cancer patients at the forefront of the policy agenda, and avoid policy decisions that had a…

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