Is Lean right for your organisation?
By Maria Foster, Managing Director, Whitebridge Associates, Pittstown, NJ
By Maria Foster, Managing Director, Whitebridge Associates, Pittstown, NJ
Healthcare in Russia is currently undergoing a comprehensive reform process. In the early 1990s, a new source of funding for the public health system was established: mandatory medical insurance and general practitioners' offices as well as private medical practice.
Biotechnologist Dr Jens Meiler explains his reasons for emigration to America
Risk is an inherent element of the hospital system and the resulting dangers are often normalised by medical staff to allow them to do their job, according to research by a University of Nottingham academic.
Currently used in pilot projects in the UK and the Netherlands, the new CareServant system from Philips, is an interactive multimedia system for use by hospital patients as well as staff.
Change is occurring at a rapid rate in cancer care - in many European countries cancer services are now being provided primarily in an ambulatory or outpatient setting with subsequent change of resources. Karen Luker, Professor of Community Nursing at the Universtiy of Manchester, UK, thinks that specialist nurses should not only refresh their knowledge of existing and new therapies. As the face…
Engineer Stefan Wollschläger, a partner in Visality Consulting GmbH, Berlin, and Dr Gregor Zehle MBA, a senior consultant at GÖK Consulting AG, Berlin, discuss the benefits of a strategy transfer from the aviation sector to operating theatre management.
Changes in the healthcare sector are presenting increasingly difficult challenges to European hospitals, but, according to the hospital chain Ategris GmbH, based in Mülheim/Oberhausen, these pressures ' might present a chance to open up encrusted structures'. The company reports that it 'embraces Christian values while optimising existing hospital structures' and has worked on a new model of…
A specialist in radiology and neuroradiology, Dr Birgit Ertl-Wagner is senior physician for teleradiology at the Institute for Clinical Radiology, in Grosshadern University Hospital, Munich. She studied medicine at Ludwig-Maximilians University, in Munich, and gained her doctorate for her thesis on neuroradiology at the Max-Planck-Institut Martinsried. She has worked in her profession in the USA,…
Changes in the healthcare sector are presenting increasingly difficult challenges to European hospitals, but, according to the hospital chain Ategris GmbH, based in Mülheim/Oberhausen, these pressures ' might present a chance to open up encrusted structures'. The company reports that it ' embraces Christian values while optimising existing hospital structures' and has worked on a new model…
UK — The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has launched a new guide to help nurses understand business and financial practices in the country's National Health Service (NHS).
USP Hospitales is a prominent Spanish hospital group with a network of 31 facilities in Spanish cities. The group also owns a 25% share in Hospitais Privados de Portugal, the hospital affiliate of the Portuguese bank Caixa Geral de Depositos. USP Hospitales acts as a consultant for the bank's six hospitals in Lisbon, Oporto, Sanghalos, Lagos and Faro. USP Hospitales recently founded the company…
In 2008, the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) will include a Special Focus Session titled "Women in Radiology". During an EH interview, Professor Dr Maximilian Reiser, President of ECR 2008 (Vienna, Austria) discussed this and other aspects of the new programme.
A survey by the Gallup Institute (Potsdam) revealed that only 15% of Germans consider their job satisfying; 16% have mentally handed in their notice and 69% are 'working to rule'. Explicit research studies into the living and working conditions of nurses were carried out in 1993-'94 by the Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg.
Juggling the NHS accounts?
Accouncement - New international website could link your hospital with potential patients worldwide.
Austria - 206 tips for administrative reforms, given by the Austrian Court of Audit to the finance in August, have created a bit of a stir. Almost half of the envisaged total savings potential of €4-5 billion is expected to result from a reform of the healthcare sector.
Der „10. Deutsche IIR Pflege-Management-Kongress” findet vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 2007 in Köln statt. Rund 20 Experten des Gesundheitswesens diskutieren über die Zukunft der Pflege in deutschen Krankenhäusern. Der wachsende wirtschaftliche Druck im Gesundheitswesen verändert die Finanzierungsgrundlagen und sorgt im Pflegewesen für eine angespannte Personalsituation.
1.INTRODUCCIÓN Los gestores sanitarios de hoy afrontan un problema que afecta tanto a directivos como a empleados el "síndrome del quemado"...
1.INTRODUCCIÓN La gestión de la calidad y la acreditación de centros y servicios, vienen siendo una prioridad para los políticos y directivos en el ámbito sanitario. En Europa y los EE.UU, se han desarrollado distintos modelos de gestión de la calidad. A continuación, destacaremos algunos de los modelos, con sus distintas características, para procurar orientar las decisiones, a la hora…
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Como señaló Byram (1), el sector sanitario, siempre tan cambiante, precisa de líderes que ayuden a navegar a través de las tormentas....
1.INTRODUCCIÓN El sistema sanitario público en España tiene cobertura universal. Por ello, debe atender a una población que se incrementa con rapidez. Entre los años 1980 y 1994, se incorporaron al sistema público 8 millones de personas (1)...
Keith Halson, EH correspondent in France reports about Medical Schools under pressure and English-speaking support networks.
It took 152 years, but now the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) Zürich for the first time named a femal rector: Prof. Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach. She will succeed the present Rector, Prof. Konrad Osterwalder in September and will join the club of European rectors that has really been a men´s world so far.