Boost to global health tourism predicted

Accouncement - New international website could link your hospital with potential patients worldwide.

Photo: Boost to global health tourism predicted

Hospitalium – a web platform company – is launching a new ‘one stop’ healthcare website to connect patients with leading medical institutions and specialists worldwide.

The concept is seen as a big step towards boosting global tourism, because patients will be able to directly source the medical help they need; have a direct dialogue with specialists, and decide for themselves which medical centres could provide the best treatments for their particular illnesses.
‘Offering a unique platform to enable video chat integration with hospitals internationally is a 21st century breakthrough in healthcare. It will be achieved by initiating free health consultancy services with leading providers of different specialties,’ explained Hatice Yurtsever, International Manager of Hospitalium. ‘Our objective is to connect everyone in the world with all the hospitals via one online platform, which will give people the opportunity to keep up to date with the world’s latest health technology. In return, individuals and hospitals will also receive the latest updates; patients and doctors can have online video chats and online appointments can be made.’

Services will not only include 24-hour online communication between patients and hospitals, but also individual health packages.

If you wish to promote contact between your healthcare establishment and potential new patients, simply fill in the Hospitalium Registration Form. As you will see, requested information includes the special medical services provided by your hospital, as well as the name(s) of the physician(s) appointed to answer online questions.
All your information will be processed into the Hospitalium web portal for patients to access and assess, and they will have the option of discussing their medical questions with your online doctor, during the consultation hours you specify, or to make an online appointment to attend your hospital.  In addition, your various medical services and health packages will be advertised on the international portal, accessible worldwide, to attract patients seeking specific treatments.  Pointing to the Hippocratic oath which commits doctors to help all people, Hatice Yurtsever added a message for medical specialists and hospitals: ‘ also swears that it will put hospitals and patients together regardless of age, race, gender, language,  disability, creed or sexual orientation. We are now living in the 21st century, it’s time to reach out and get healthy.’


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