

MIR – Making Imaging relevant

MIR is a subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), focused on all aspects of management, which help to “Make Imaging Relevant” in today´s healthcare. Join our conference, which will take place in the exciting and busy city of Milan (Italy) and will last two full days from Thursday, October 11 to Friday, October 12.


Carestream Health Sponsors Industry Discussion On Cloud Computing in Italy

As part of the recent annual Heathcare Summit organised by Sole 24 ORE in Milan, Italy, Carestream Health sponsored a round table discussion on cloud computing. The Summit is an established event in Italy and is attended by Government and regional officials and companies contracted by the Italian Ministry of Health. Carestream is one of the world’s leading providers of cloud infrastructure,…


Cloud computing

The storage and retrieval of an ever increasing volume of imaging data is raising hospital IT managers’ interest in sharing computing resources via the Internet, thus saving on storage space, hardware and software costs and concerns over data security. Mark Nicholls spoke with Saskia Groeneveld, Carestream’s Regional Marketing Manager (Healthcare Information Solutions), about the company’s…


The new Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Britain’s many new hospitals are more than brave architectural statements – they consistently win awards, inspire others and, above all, improve life for all who use them. Now another stunning creation is about to rise. Despite beginning life as a workhouse for the poor, and having to grow in bleak, outdated buildings, in its near 100- year history Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool…


New network could lower accidents mortality

Surgeons and radiologists unite to ease image transfers. Around 30-35,000 people a year are severely injured in accidents and need urgent, appropriate and competent care within minutes. The TeleCooperation TNW project, a new development in Germany’s medical care for severely injured patients, links with several hundred hospitals to ensure the rapid transfer of image data across the country.

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