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Article • Event

The 1st European Symposium on Quality Management and Accreditation in Laboratory Medicine

Organised jointly by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC) and the French Society of Clinical Biology (SFBC), the two-day symposium served as a platform to address future strategies to promote accreditation for clinical chemists and all professions in laboratory medicine.


UBIFRANCE and the network of Trade Commissions together constitute the French government's corporate international expansion support framework. Every year they help over 13,000 companies of all sizes, and from all sectors, to develop their activities worldwide, thanks to the expertise of 2,500 staff based in France and in 120 countries, who operate through the Trade Commissions of the French…


The quality of paediatric nurse training

"Children are no small adults. That remains true no matter how often it is repeated. And it is particularly true in paediatric nursing," says Andreas Wachtel, vice chairman of the GkinD (Germany's association of children's hospitals and paediatric departments, and Elfriede Zoller, chairwoman of the BeKD (the country's professional association of paediatric nurses).


2.2 billion euros saved should be spent on nurses

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) wants the Department of Health to spend a forecasted surplus of around 2.2 billion euros on the 2008/09 National Health Service (NHS) budget on nurse recruitment and training and to support the transition from acute to community-based care under health minister Lord Darzi's reform of the NHS.


The wait is over

The UK's National Health Service is notorious for its waiting time for surgery. The Scottish Government recently decided to tackle this issue and proposed a Patient Rights Bill which includes a legal right to surgery within twelve weeks .


eHealth for safe, high quality and efficient cross-border healthcare

Health systems and health policies across the EU are becoming ever more interconnected which raises many health policy issues. On 2 July 2008, in the context of the Renewed Social Agenda, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. Essential precondition for cross-border healthcare is the existence of electronic health record systems…

Primary prevention of CVD: Challenges and Achievements

Lifestyle and risk factor results show that recommended scientific guidelines form a contrast to what is achieved in daily practice in high risk individuals in primary prevention of CVD. Together with its partners the ESC demands a comprehensive and multisdicplinary primary prevention programme involving the high-risk population, their GP's and other health professionals, a health insurance…

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