
Article • Ebola

Reports of panic among medics

At the International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED 2014), in Vienna, this year’s focus was on one particular emerging infectious disease: Ebola. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), as of January 14th, more than 8.400 people have died of this dangerous disease and more than 21.000 cases were reported in nine countries. Report: Michael Krassnitzer

News • Research

Obesity is Not a Disability

Sermo, the social network for doctors, announced the results of a poll of 2,238 doctors on the contentious issue of whether obese individuals should be considered disabled. An overwhelming majority of doctors, 88 percent, disagreed with a new ruling from the European Union under which employers will be required to protect obese workers and provide them with special parking spaces, larger seats…

News • Market

US 3D Mammography Systems Market to rise

The Americas' mammography systems market value will increase from approximately $390 million in 2013 to $1.1 billion by 2020, driven primarily by the uptake of 3D systems in the US and healthy demand for 2D systems in Canada, Mexico and Brazil.


Article • EU

More equality in healthcare

The European Commission has an ambition to create more equitable, cost-effective and available healthcare throughout its member states. Here is a report on preliminary findings from the EU funded initiative striving for greater equality in healthcare systems across Europe.


Article • Laboratory Medicine

‘Kissed by Europe’

They are not such strange bedfellows, say Walter Depner (Frankfurt) and Professor Norbert Gässler (Hildesheim), who find themselves ‘kissed by the European lab muse’ and were prompted to ask: What links literature and laboratory medicine at a European level? Commentary: Walter Depner, Prof. Norbert Gässler


News • Infectious Diseases

Abbott’s Testing Platform Iridica Now Available in Europe

Abbott announced its innovative diagnostic platform, known as Iridica, is now available in Europe and other CE–Mark recognized countries. The new platform can identify more than 1,000 infection–causing pathogens in less than six hours.

News • Politics

Call for urgent action to improve CDI management

CDI Europe, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and MEP Karin Kadenbach hosted an event at the European Parliament to highlight the urgent action needed to address the current issues relating to the management of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) and Clostridium difficile infection (CDI).


Article • Medical Training

Diagnosing gastrointestinal infections

The human gut literally teems with microorganisms from at least 1,000 different species that are increasingly considered to be a valuable resource for the prediction, aetiology and prognosis of disease. Due to continual contact with the environment, primarily via food, the gut is susceptible to infection when a virus, parasite or bacterium enters and disrupts normal gut microbiota (or flora).


How to overcome future staff shortages

The Medica Education Conference has been realigned and also tackles current issues from the worlds of politics and management, amongst others in a symposium on occupational and educational politics. In this context, Professor Ulrich Montgomery, President of the German Medical Association, will speak about the next generation of medical staff under the heading ‘Calling, a profession or a job?’…


News • Medica: Finalreport

Medica 2014: Tailwinds for Export Business

The 4,831 exhibitors at Medica as well as the 724 exhibitors at Compamed gave the almost 130,000 visitors impressive proof of the benefit of their product innovations and wealth of ideas for high-quality and affordable health care. Approx. 84,000 visitors came from abroad travelling from some 120 countries to Düsseldorf.


When will the alcohol pricing battle end?

The danger posed to well being by alcohol consumption has been brought into sharp focus by head on clashes between health professionals and the drinks industry, with Scotland’s Government aiming to implement a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol. Report: Mark Nicholls


Computer-assisted coding

Every hospital does it, but how accurately and consistently coding is done has a major effect on the quality of treatment and also on the bottom line. Traditionally so-called ‘coders’ determine which code to apply for a specific medical service.‘ Report: Cornelia Wels-Maug


Medical device marketing that works

A report examining the marketing communications channels available to device manufacturers today, by TforG for Encompass Content Solutions, was compiled from results of numerous interviews with device industry leaders, including senior managers in sales, marketing, operations and health care providers – from medical practitioners to hospital staff and hospital administrators.


News • Medica

DTR Medical: latest product developments at Medica 2014

Over in Hall 16, in the Wales Pavilion, an extensive instrument range from the single-use surgical instrument manufacturer, is on show from DTR Medical Ltd. Included are precision electro surgery instruments. ‘Micro Needle Electrodes (both tungsten and stainless steel variants) offer first time sharpness with fine, precise tissue dissection,’ the firm reports. The range also includes…

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