
When will the alcohol pricing battle end?

The danger posed to well being by alcohol consumption has been brought into sharp focus by head on clashes between health professionals and the drinks industry, with Scotland’s Government aiming to implement a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol. Report: Mark Nicholls


Computer-assisted coding

Every hospital does it, but how accurately and consistently coding is done has a major effect on the quality of treatment and also on the bottom line. Traditionally so-called ‘coders’ determine which code to apply for a specific medical service.‘ Report: Cornelia Wels-Maug


Medical device marketing that works

A report examining the marketing communications channels available to device manufacturers today, by TforG for Encompass Content Solutions, was compiled from results of numerous interviews with device industry leaders, including senior managers in sales, marketing, operations and health care providers – from medical practitioners to hospital staff and hospital administrators.


News • Medica

DTR Medical: latest product developments at Medica 2014

Over in Hall 16, in the Wales Pavilion, an extensive instrument range from the single-use surgical instrument manufacturer, is on show from DTR Medical Ltd. Included are precision electro surgery instruments. ‘Micro Needle Electrodes (both tungsten and stainless steel variants) offer first time sharpness with fine, precise tissue dissection,’ the firm reports. The range also includes…

Electing Health – the Europe we want

For a long time the influence of the European Union (EU) on healthcare policy was considered marginal – but this has changed radically since 2010, says Professor Scott L Greer, political scientist at the University of Michigan and specialist in European healthcare policy. Report: Michael Krassnitzer


News • manufacturer

Cutting the risks of injury and contamination

Austrian firm Greiner Bio-One is presenting products for the pre-analysis and diagnostics industry at this year’s Medica. Vacuette safety products have been developed to minimise this risk of injuries from contaminated puncture devices – a significant safety hazard to healthcare workers, the firm underlines.


Switzerland is not really one country

If implementing an eHealth strategy, Switzerland faces more complexity than any of its neighbouring countries. Its federative structure, reflected in numerous health systems, health legislations and political organisations, calls for a high level of cooperation among involved stakeholders, explains Adrian Schmid, head of eHealth Suisse. Interview: Cornelia Wels-Maug


A new tool for biochemical analyses

Although telemedicine could improve the quality of life of patients with chronic liver diseases, viable home care systems are still lacking. However, within the EU-project ‘d-LIVER’ ( scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT, in St. Ingbert, Germany, are working with European partners to develop an IT- and cell-based system that will help chronic…


A picture is worth a thousand words

Want to put a message across quickly? Answer: Show an image. A starving child with huge tearful eyes prompts an instant flow of charitable donations. Report: Brenda Marsh


Article • Could the virus endanger Europe?

The welcome logic of a World Bank expert

‘Ebola does not present a direct epidemiological danger for Europe,’ according to Dr Armin Fidler, Lead Advisor on Policy and Strategy at the World Bank, but, he added, ‘Inevitably some Europeans will become infected with Ebola, such as those in the healthcare professions or aid workers.’ Report: Michael Krassnitzer


France: Ready for Ebola

With strong links with the West Coast of Africa, France is among countries most likely to experience Ebola, with an estimated 20% chance of cases in the homeland before October ends - a few suspected cases have arisen.


England prepares for Ebola

More than 750 British military personnel as well as RFA Argus – the country’s medical ship – have arrived in Sierra Leone, for front line duties in the battle against Ebola. In the meantime Britain tested its readiness for a possible Ebola virus epidemic. Report: Brenda Marsh

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