Spanish healthcare
In July 2007, Bernat Soria Escoms, one of the world's leading experts in stem cell research, became Spain's new Health Minister, when his predecessor Elena Salgado was moved to Public Administration.
In July 2007, Bernat Soria Escoms, one of the world's leading experts in stem cell research, became Spain's new Health Minister, when his predecessor Elena Salgado was moved to Public Administration.
A rapid rise in 'altruistic donations', i.e. strangers having a kidney removed for an unknown patient, has been reported by the UK's Human Tissue Authority (HTA). Although there have been just 15 stranger donations (three still await surgery),
In current USA debates on healthcare reform referrals to IT use in Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK are frequent and well supported by studies performed by the Commonwealth Fund.
CardioPod will be installed in pharmacies and GP surgeries across England, allowing patients easy access to an NHS Health Check carried out by a trained professional, who will give expert advice on their cardiovascular risk score and what action they can take to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes and kidney disease.
Robot-assisted surgery can be used to successfully repair abnormal openings between the uterus and the bladder, according to a report by Ashok K. Hemal, M.D., a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center urologist who is the world's most experienced surgeon in the procedure.
Mit dem Beschluss des Gesetzes zum Assistenzpflegebedarf, das es Menschen mit Behinderung erlaubt, Hilfen ihres ambulanten Pflegepersonals auch während eines stationären Krankenhausaufenthalts in Anspruch zu nehmen, wurde auch die Aufnahme eines neuen Querschnittbereichs in das Medizinstudium beschlossen: Künftig gehört die Palliativmedizin zur Ausbildung für angehende Ärzte dazu.
In den altehrwürdigen Mauern von Schloß Waldhausen bei Mainz diskutieren vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2009 renommierte deutschsprachige Experten über zukunftsweisende Trends in der Informationstechnologie und -technik in der Medizin. Das Event DICOM 2009 bietet die optimale Plattform, sich praxisnah über RIS, PACS sowie DICOM- und IHE-Standards zu informieren.
The latest statistics regarding the use of pacemakers and implantable cardiac devices in Europe was presented at EUROPACE 2009, the meeting of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)1 which takes place in Berlin, Germany from 21 to 24 June. The data show that there is a disparate coverage of diseases and treatments within the EU and the European Society of Cardiology member countries outside…
The use of phone and internet between patients and healthcare providers is an effective way to reduce risk factors for coronary heart disease and the risk of further events after a heart attack, according to new research published in June issue of the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation.
European healthcare facilities are turning to vendor-neutral, multi-modality breast imaging workstations to streamline reading of digital breast exams. The KODAK CARESTREAM Mammography Workstation enables diagnostic review of all breast imaging exams (FFDM, ultrasound, MR, CR and others) as well as all general radiology exams.
According to the WHO, some 3 million people across the world require artificial hips as primary joint replacement surgery. Increasingly, surgeons are using minimally-invasive procedures to implant artificial hips, with direct anterior access. It is an ideal extension to the conventional method as the deployment of these procedures for suitable patients, usually results in a significant shortening…
Testing people for heart disease might be just a finger prick away thanks to a new credit card-sized device created by a team of researchers from Harvard and Northeastern universities in Boston.
By putting the obeliscPRO on the market, ulrich medical is launching the next generation of its proven obelisc vertebral body replacement system. With an expanded range of implants and more customized anatomical adjustment options, this new product from ulrich is a worthy successor to the previous version
Fifteen new research projects aimed at bringing innovative medicines to market faster have been selected to receive 246 million Euros from the European Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). The projects will foster understanding of health issues such as diabetes, pain, severe asthma and psychiatric disorders while increasing medicine safety.
Healthcare in Germany will suffer if doctors and nurses cannot delegate certain tasks to others. So warned Udo Janssen MD MBA, speaking at the recent Gesundheitsnetzwerker (health network) congress held in Berlin. Blaming the inflexibility of new labour models that make them difficult to implement, Dr Janssen believes they need to be reviewed.
Senology is fast becoming a medical specialty that utilises methods and knowledge from various medical disciplines specifically to treat breast cancer. Based in Dusseldorf, the European Academy of Senology (EAoS) aims to close the gap between theory and practical applications.
Non-smokers live longer and have less cardiovascular disease than those who smoke, according to a 30-year follow-up study of 54,000 men and women in Norway. Smoking, say the investigators, is “strongly” related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality from various causes.
Today help is often available for those suffering from high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation (pulmonary arterial hypertension/PAH). New drugs — so-called endothelin receptor antagonists — make it possible to alleviate the symptoms, improving patients' physical strength and quality of life.
The system lacks a coherent structure to deal with its rapidly aging population.
During its 5th international congress (held in Denmark in April), the European Operating Room Nurses Organisation (EORNA) launched the Accreditation Council for Education (ACE) "Educational and training programmes in the nursing sector need alignment and development on a European level," explained EORNA President Irini Antoniadou. "From 1997 to the present, EORNA achieved a curriculum for a…
Following the launch of the Action Alliance on Patient Safety (High 5s) initiative, launched in 2006 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety (Solutions), the World Alliance for Patient Safety and the Commonwealth Fund, in June 2008 the WHO introduced a Surgical Safety Checklist, as part of the Safe Surgery Saves Lives Campaign. Over 300 organisations,…
Maquet is possibly Europe's oldest manufacturer of healthcare equipment. Founded in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1838 the firm initially manufactured patient chairs and other healthcare equipment. Today, Maquet operates three business divisions (see box) each focusing on medical technology for operating theatres (OT) and intensive care units (ICU).
Tuttlingen Municipal Clinic occupies two sites, the result of merger in 2002 of two clinics in Tuttlingen and Spaichingen, following a merger of the two clinics in Tuttlingen and Spaichingen in 2002.
Leonid Roshal: 'We are at the beginning of a long road'
Professor Rudolf A Weiner, head of the surgical department at Sachsenhausen Hospital, Germany, reports that some developing procedures result not only result in weight loss but also in the systematic elimination of metabolic disorders, and that many new developments in the field promise hope for both the obese and their doctors