
Leading-edge Laser Microdissection Technology

The Leica LMD7000 is the only laser microdissection system with a power adjustable, high precision laser. For the first time, high laser power and high repetition rates, are combined within one system. The laser's high pulse repetition rates are ideal for the fast excision of single cells, cell clusters, or thin and soft samples. Additionally, high laser power allows the dissection of thick or…


Wundauflagen mit Wirkstoffdepots

Allein in Deutschland müssen jährlich schätzungsweise vier Millionen Patienten mit chronischen Wunden versorgt werden. Eine Wundauflage, die von den Hohenstein Instituten in Bönnigheim im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Medizin-, Bio- und Umwelttechnologien e.V. (GMBU) in Dresden entwickelt wurde, eröffnet…


Perspectives beyond protective ventilation

From 18th till 20th February 2009 the 19th Symposium of Intensive Care will take place in Bremen, Germany. During the symposium a presentation of the latest clinical data in form of a scientific symposium “Perspectives beyond protective ventilation” will take place on Friday, 20th February. These data enable new therapy chances for acute and chronic pulmonary patients.

2009 TeleHealth conference program announced

At the International TeleHealth Conference (5 and 6 March) leading experts from the healthcare sector will come together in Hannover, Germany, to evaluate the latest developments in digital medicine. Alongside established topics such as telemonitoring, telematics infrastructure and eHealth, this year's conference will also focus on telemedical applications in the area of military and disaster…

Darmkrebs sicherer entdecken mit Immuntest

Wissenschaftler aus dem Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum zeigen, dass einige immunologische Tests dem gebräuchlichen enzymatischen Verfahren (HaemOccult) deutlich überlegen sind. Allerdings stellten sie große Unterschiede in der Leistungsfähigkeit der Tests verschiedener Anbieter fest.


New tumour ablation technique in clinical practice

Electroporation is going to widen the spectrum of cancer treatment in the future. While other tumour ablation techniques like cyroablation, radiofrequency ablation and microwave ablation work with intense heat or cold to kill cancer cells, irreversible electroporation (IRE) uses electric pulses allowing minimal collatoral damage to surrounding tissue. First clinical applications have already…

Cold winter months increase risk of hypertension

The colder the weather, the greater the increase in blood pressure in the elderly population - to this conclusion comes a French study from Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier. The authors recommend to improve the blood pressure management in the elderly when outdoor temperature is very low by close monitoring of blood pressure and antihypertensive medication.


Röntgenbefundung besser durch Empathie

Auch Ärzte sind nur Menschen. So kommt eine Studie der Nordamerikanischen Radiolo-gengesellschaft (RSNA) zu dem Schluss, dass Röntgenärzte sorgfältiger und treffsicherer diagnostizieren, wenn ihnen ein Foto des Patienten vorliegt.

Want to open a care facility?

Operators and funding bodies of care facilities, politicians and representatives from nursing care insurance companies and their advisory body the Medical Service of the Central Organisation for Medical Insurers (MDS), as well as investors, gathered in November for the two-day Euroforum Conference.


Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)

High resolution endoscopy triggers new approaches to the detection and resection of early-stage carcinomas. Zoom, Narrow Band Imaging and HDTV allow significant magnification of the endoscopic image and increasingly detailed rendering of the mucous membrane.

Article • Osteoarthritis

Arthroscopic surgery

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative disease that causes joint pain, stiffness and decreased function. Its frequency increases dramatically with ageing populations. Treatment is multidisciplinary; combinations of pharmacology, physiotherapy and/or surgery are used for most patients.


The DGU trauma network

German pre-clinical and clinical trauma care of severely injured people enjoys an excellent reputation nationally and internationally due to the country's intensive work in trauma surgery and related medical disciplines. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the current outcome of polytrauma care in Germany is extremely heterogeneous.


Surgical lights gain LED technology

The popularity of LED lighting units is inevitably increasing because LED light is infrared-free and cool, creating good work conditions for surgeons, and minimising the danger of tissue dehydration. In addition, the nearly limitless service life of LEDs lowers maintenance costs and ensures safe, reliable work, the operating theatre equipment and surgical lighting specialist Berchtold explains.


Despite the poor market outlook Medica 2008 proved a superlative event

Dusseldorf, November — Medica's anniversary had many significant facets: in its 40th year, and for the 40th time, this spectacular international medical trade fair broke its previous year's record in visitor numbers — but, only just. The event was not only struck by the snow and ice of a sudden winter onset, but also by a storm that brought a level of chaos to Messe Dusseldorf's outdoor…

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