Capturing the action
Brandon Medical has launched a new range of video camera systems for the operating theatre using Sony Professional technology.
Brandon Medical has launched a new range of video camera systems for the operating theatre using Sony Professional technology.
The St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim, Norway, conducted a study based on a HDTV video laparoscope system in operating rooms (Olympus). By Ronald Mårvik MD PhD, surgeon at St. Olav's Hospital, University Hospital in Trondheim, Norway and the Head of the National Centre for Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, and Thomas Langø PhD, research scientist with SINTEF Health Research, Medical Technology.
Nurse-surgeon training in the UK is lively discussed for other European countries doing the same to address their lack of qualified surgeons.
The operating `theatre´ exists no longer - at least in St Olavs Hospital (Trondheim University Hospital, Norway) where Europe's first operating studio officially opened this May. Now medical students no longer crane their necks to study surgical procedures. Thanks to this exciting new audio-visual concept they can see more, hear more and learn more.
Based on semiconductor connections that convert the current directly into light, LEDs have numerous technical advantages over conventional halogen and gas discharge lamps, the most important being low heat emissions, adjustable light features and an almost indefinite life-cycle.
Derungs Medical Lighting has designed a novel light experience room specifically for MEDICA 2005.
The new Chromophare D series from Berchthold is “a superior innovation in 21st century surgical lighting technology”.
World renowned for audio, video, communications and information technology products used for entertainment as well as business communications, Sony has continued to utilise and develop that technological expertise to take an increasing role in operating theatres.
Formerly integrated with the electronics/medical division of ...
The bucky table is an inexpensive tool for X-Ray departments. However, due to the increasing use of movable stands, especially combined with digital imaging receptors, further requirements for a patient positioning table arise.
A colourful collection of clinical clothing, with many motifs and designs inspired by nature, is now available throughout Europe.
The planning of hepatic surgery of primary and secondary liver tumours is a multimodal process, using modern imaging techniques - mainly contrast enhanced imaging such as CAT and MRI - depending on the patients individual situation as well as on the experience of the medical personnel who are planning the therapy.
Robotic technology has helped to advance MIS - particularly for the very small anatomies of children. Among the newest innovations is the Socrates Robotic Telecollaboration System, which integrates telecommunication equipment, networked surgical devices and robotics, to enable remote teaching and surgical collaboration.
Innovative Technologies are the driving force behind the development of medical procedures aimed at minimum invasiveness with the highest precision and best clinical results.