
Medical technology trends

As in past years, this year's MEDICA is one of the most important stages for the medical technology industry. International manufacturers will do a song and dance to dazzle the international clientele. As Managing Director of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (Deutscher Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. - ZVEI), Hans-Peter Bursig, is well…

Tracking TB bacterium from space

TB bacterium have a unique chemical coating and it is hoped that a tiny gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS) - a detection device* developed for the Beagle 2, on its mission to Mars - will be able to pick this out from space, in a project run by Britain's Open University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Stem Cell therapy repairs lungs in mice

At the Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), which took place in Stockholm, September 15-19, 2007, researchers from the Imperial College London, UK, presented their study about the successful implantation of lung cells grown from embryonic stem cells into the lungs of mice. In future, this method could be used for the treatment of human lung diseases.


ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award

The Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI) has won the ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by The European Society for Medical Oncology, for its `excellent translational research into breast cancer´.


Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography (DCE-US)

Early functional evaluation of new treatments in oncology is of major importance. Overall survival rate is the best criterion for assessing treatment, but unfortunately it calls for lengthy follow-up whereas treatment efficacy must be ascertained as soon as possible. The morphological criteria normally used (WHO or RECIST) do not lend themselves easily to new therapies which often induce lesion…


Röntgen's X-Rays as mirrored in public interest

On Friday night, 8th November 1895, the physician Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen from Würzburg discovered a new type of radiation while doing tests with cathode ray tubes. Within just six weeks of intensive research, he succeeded in exploring the essential characteristics of the X-rays- or "Röntgen rays" as they were named after him later on.


Pioneers in Ultrasound

Visions: Mr. Soldner, you are considered the father of real-time ultrasonic technique. How did that happen? Richard Soldner: The answer isn't simple because the development of ultrasonic diagnostics and its modern state are the result of a multitude of developmental steps over many decades and come from the most diverse sources. For example, J. P. Joule already described the magnetorestrictive…

Pioneers in Ultrasound

Visions: Mr. Soldner, you are considered the father of real-time ultrasonic technique. How did that happen? Richard Soldner: The answer isn't simple because the development of ultrasonic diagnostics and its modern state are the result of a multitude of developmental steps over many decades and come from the most diverse sources. For example, J. P. Joule already described the magnetorestrictive…


1.INTRODUCCIÓN Los diccionarios definen el concepto de poder de diversas formas. A continuación se exponen algunas de ellas: “Habilidad para hacer o para actuar; capacidad de hacer o conseguir algo”.....

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