The first cross-border European University Hospital
During the MCC Hospital World 2008 congress, held in Berlin this September, speakers from international firms and hospital chains discussed the demands and necessities for future healthcare.
During the MCC Hospital World 2008 congress, held in Berlin this September, speakers from international firms and hospital chains discussed the demands and necessities for future healthcare.
A panel of experts, convened by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, has issued updated treatment recommendations for type 2 diabetes, in a consensus statement published online in two journals: Diabetes Care and Diabetologia*.
The obesity epidemic is increasingly affecting young teens worldwide. In the USA the epidemic is well-established: more than 17% of children are obese and about a third of those have high blood pressure, which places them at risk for premature heart disease.
The 2nd international symposium `Diabetic foot: surgery, therapy, rehabilitation´ took place on the beginning of October in St. Petersburg. Olga Ostrovskaya reports from Russia
Specialists at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, in London, have started using pioneering laser surgery to treat patients with pathological eye conditions, such as superficial corneal scarring.
Maquet has launched Cardiohelp, the world's smallest, lightest heart-lung machine, that can not only provide a total therapy solution for heart surgery, cardiology, intensive and emergency care, but also, due to its suitcase size and 10 kg weigh, the device can be carried by just one person onto a helicopter or ambulance for mobile use.
Surgical Site Infection is the most important problem facing surgeons today, according to Professor Miguel Cainzos, of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, speaking at the 2nd EMEA Symposium on New Non-Pharmaceutical ways to reduce surgical site infection.
An Innovation Prize has been awarded to Professor Joachim Grifka, Dr Thomas Kalteis and Dr Tobias Renkawitz of the Orthopaedic University Hospital Regensburg for the development of a new surgical method for total hip replacement. Presented at the Innovationsforum Medizintechnik sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the award represents ?420,000 additional…
We will use the grasping reflex - one of the first reflexes a baby utilises - without thinking for the rest of our lives. However, for those who suffer spinal cord injury of the cervical region, the upper extremities are affected along with the ability to grasp.
When it comes to chronic wound care, says Professor Heinz J Janssen of the Institute for Health and Nursing Economics (IGP) at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, cost effectiveness and quality are not contradictions.
The construction of the first fully functional laser in 1960 was not just an important milestone in physics; it paved the way for numerous innovations in various medical applications. Recent technologic developments and the latest results from research and application in laser driven therapy, diagnostics, and production, were presented and discussed in the context of a workshop,
A new kind of dialogue/navigation system that can provide emergency services with the quickest route while simultaneously taking stress into account, has been developed by Trung Huu Bui PhD, at the Human Media Interaction Group, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
The new Pusan National University Hospital in Yangsan city is due to receive 44 new medical systems thanks to another large ($20 million) Korean order given to Siemens Healthcare. The hospital has also signed a service contract with the firm for maintenance and constant remote monitoring of these systems.
Developed in collaboration with international clinicians, Orchestra workstations feature state-of-the-art infusion systems.
Patented Völker Micro-stimulation Systems (MiS) present a complex suspension and are the technical implementation of basal stimulation; they support prophylactic measures, particularly pressure sore prophylaxis, and they are now the standard pressure reduction system used in all Völker beds, the maker reports (Full details: www.voelker.de)
"Children are no small adults. That remains true no matter how often it is repeated. And it is particularly true in paediatric nursing," says Andreas Wachtel, vice chairman of the GkinD (Germany's association of children's hospitals and paediatric departments, and Elfriede Zoller, chairwoman of the BeKD (the country's professional association of paediatric nurses).
BEO MedConsulting BERLIN GmbH, founded in 2000 and headquartered in Berlin since 2005, advises manufacturers on all issues concerning testing and approval of medical devices.
Newly released sales figures for the Tissue Oxygenation Monitor InSpectra show a huge jump - they have doubled in the last quarter, according to Peter Ickert, Vice President of Hutchinson Technology Inc, who added that current orders indicate that the trend will continue.
MEDICA - the most important event in the world of healthcare - displays the entire range of products, solutions and innovations relevant in this sector. The event is therefore also important to nurses, for they can discover and examine new equipment and other products and directly contact the manufactures and distributors.
Timing, emergency network, reperfusion therapy are central to new recommendations for the management of heart attack which have been developed by a Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and were issued on the 14th November.
KM Medical, an innovative medical technology company based in Auckland, New Zealand, will unveil, for the first time in Europe, the Next Step in Neonatal Resuscitation and Transport Ventilation.
The Fresenius Inventors' Fair is held every two years during MEDICA. This year 20 researchers, developers and inventors from all over the world will have the opportunity to present their ideas to the huge MEDICA audience.
NHS managers are refuting a report that ranks the UK 13th for healthcare out of 31 European countries. The Euro Health Consumer Index 2008 puts the Netherlands in first place, with the UK trailing behind countries including Estonia, France and Germany.
When from 19 to 22 November the world's largest medical fair takes place in Dusseldorf, the entire city is in a kind of emergency state: hotels are bustin' out of their seams, traffic periodically comes to a standstill and at night exhibitors and visitors alike crowd the narrow streets of the Altstadt and the fancy hotel bars and enjoy whatever entertainment North Rhine-Westphalia's capital has…
ArjoHuntleigh, formed in 2007 from the merger of ARJO and Huntleigh Healthcare, is showing a broad portfolio of products and services for patient care.