Data management


Agfa HealthCare and Segami Corporation sign agreement

Agfa HealthCare, a leading provider of diagnostic imaging and healthcare IT solutions, announced that it has signed an agreement with Segami Corporation to integrate the Oasis workstation software into the Agfa HealthCare's 6th generation Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) known as IMPAX 6. The solution permits nuclear medicine physicians to review, process and report studies…


SuperPACS TM Architecture

A familiar dilemma spans healthcare institutions and services worldwide: the means to access an increasing image and data volume on more workstations at an increasing number of locations.

Highly-secure long-term data storage solution

Hard disks are fast replacing tapes and optical media in all phases of data archiving. However, most conventional hard disk systems are generally unsuitable for long-term storage. FAST LTA (long term archiving) reports that its Silent Cubes are the first solution designed solely for highly-secure long-term storage of permanent data.

We need greater compatibility!

As medical images are increasingly digitized, their management, compression and retrieval is increasingly challenged. According to new analysis* from Frost & Sullivan, which examined medical image storage solutions markets in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux and Italy, the total European storage requirement in 2007 was 106,044 terabytes (TB).

Electronic discharge reports

Hospitals that use electronic medical record systems can improve the process of discharging inpatients by implementing electronic reports instead of dictated ones. More information can be provided in a faster, more reliable manner to the patients' caregivers outside the hospital, Electronic discharge summaries standardize the format and content of patient records to primary care physicians at the…


El reconocimiento de voz es una herramienta estratégica para la HCE a nivel regional

En España se están realizando grandes esfuerzos para poner a disposición de todos los ciudadanos la historia clínica electrónica (HCE) a nivel regional. HealthTech Wire ha realizado una entrevista a Javier Quiles del Río, Jefe del Área Clínica del Servizo de Tecnoloxías da Información e Infraestructuras del Servicio Galego de Saúde, sobre la evolución de la implantación de la HCE en…


Computer or Radiologist - Who is the boss?

Without developments in computers and information technology, medicine and radiology would not be what they are today. Data processing to an extent that a human being would never be able to manage, and transmission systems that make diagnoses independent of place and person, have made the computer one of the modern radiologist's most important allies. But which one of them is the boss? This…


Radiologists must change or lose out

With cardiologists and neurologists purchasing imaging equipment for use by them in their departments, clinical education has become crucial to the survival of radiologists, for whom specialist training, with a focus on particular body areas, is also imperative, says radiological interventionist Professor Malgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska, President of the ECR 2010.


Airport style check-in for patients

United Kingdom - Next year, patients arriving at a new 1,200-bed hospital opened by the new University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) will be able to register their details in self-service kiosks that are being integrated with the NHS NPfIT (National Programme for IT) Patient Administration System (PAS) by operational software provider Blue Prism. These will be the first…


Dutch Deal for Sectra

VUmc University Hospital of Amsterdam, which performs approximately 150,000 radiology examinations per year, is yet another renowned hospital to choose Sectra's radiology IT solution for handling of patient information and radiology images (RIS/PACS). In signing a long-term agreement with VUmc, the IT and medical-technology company Sectra passes the 1,000th customer milestone.

2009 TeleHealth conference program announced

At the International TeleHealth Conference (5 and 6 March) leading experts from the healthcare sector will come together in Hannover, Germany, to evaluate the latest developments in digital medicine. Alongside established topics such as telemonitoring, telematics infrastructure and eHealth, this year's conference will also focus on telemedical applications in the area of military and disaster…


AACC: Webinar on Diagnostic Management

In recent years, America's health care systems has been characterized as fragmented and expensive, and even unsafe.  Part of the solution to these problems is the greater integration of health care data which offers the prospect of waste reduction; improvements in quality, patient safety and communications; and automated performance measurement. 

Mit IHE-Standards sparen Krankenhäuser Kosten in Millionenhöhe

Die internationale IHE-Initiative (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) setzt sich für die Integration verschiedener Informationsstandards in klinischen Arbeitsabläufen ein, so dass medizinische IT-Systeme unterschiedlicher Hersteller Informationen austauschen können. Das Einsparpotenzial ist für viele der rund 2.100 deutschen Kliniken überlebenswichtig. Denn sie sind mit steigenden Kosten…


Siemens Novius Lab receives award

Renowned research firm KLAS has named Siemens Healthcare's (NOVIUS Lab as the recipient of its 2008 Best in KLAS award for laboratory information systems (LIS) for large hospitals with more than 200 beds. The prestigious annual award is given to a vendor or product that scores the highest in its industry segment and meets all other Best in KLAS requirements.

Hospitals cannot survive without IT

A study carried out this year by the VHitG e.V. (a German association of IT solutions providers for healthcare) produced the first complete market analysis of systems installed in hospitals, along with an evaluation of the use of IT through the subjective appraisals of the users. The objective of the standardised online questionnaire, in which 480 people participated, was to determine the trends,…

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