

Anaesthesiology today

Ever since Boston surgeon John Collins Warren commented on the first successful ether anaesthesia at Harvard University with the now famous words, ‘Gentlemen, this is no humbug!’ anaesthesiology has developed into a separate and modern medical discipline.


1st class though 2nd hand

The purchasing and distribution of refurbished equipment was left to specialist retailers for years, until leading manufacturers - for reasons of quality as well as image - established themselves in this business sector. The difference is that these manufacturers not only sell used equipment but also extensively refurbished systems.


The contribution of the anaesthesiologist

Since its early beginnings in Europe, during the polio epidemics of the 1950s, intensive care medicine has grown to become a specialty in its own right and the intensive care unit (ICU) occupies an increasingly important position in every hospital. Intensive care doctors are responsible for the management of very sick patients often with multiple and complex disease processes, and ICUs are now…

Take off in the operating theatre

Engineer Stefan Wollschläger, a partner in Visality Consulting GmbH, Berlin, and Dr Gregor Zehle MBA, a senior consultant at GÖK Consulting AG, Berlin, discuss the benefits of a strategy transfer from the aviation sector to operating theatre management. Russian article


Article • Neuropelveology

Forging links between neurology and surgery

Surgery in the lower pelvic region often involves injury to or severing of nerve tissue. As in chronic diseases of the nervous system, the result can be pain, sensory disturbances or loss of function. Up to now the poor view of the nerves, partially formed of fine interwoven networks, has been one of the major problems – exacerbated by the strict division of skills between neurologists and…


Bespoke operating theatres

'Supersuite' describes a valuable service provided by Berchtold, specialist manufacturer of operating theatre lights (e.g. Chromophare), camera systems, monitor arms, surgical tables (Operon) and equipment management systems (surgical and anaesthesia booms, but not the device control units).


Image-Guided Neurosurgery Suite at Barrow Neurological Institute

GE Healthcare and Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center implementet a MR-guided intra-operative surgical suite. This new system includes one of the world's most comprehensive portfolio of neuro-imaging solutions, which uses three-dimensional imaging to navigate and validate treatments to help increase both the accuracy and speed of interventions while improving…

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