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With the UN-Series, the choice is yours
Using urine to obtain diagnostic insights has been done for thousands of years and still remains an important tool to obtain crucial information. Covering a range of tests, urinalysis may be used to screen for or help to diagnose ailments such as urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, diabetes or other medical conditions, just to name a few. Because urinalysis has been around for so long, that means the solutions have come a long way.
Our UN-Series covers the complete urinalysis workflow and allows you to select your solution to set up the workflow as you need it. If you want to perform test strip analysis and you need it done quickly, the UC-3500 is the answer. The UF-5000 / UF-4000 – the core of the urinalysis workflow – will then perform sediment analysis via fluorescence flow cytometry. Then, if you wish to complete the automated workflow, the UD-10 performs digital image analysis on outlier samples that require further investigation. This is all tied together by our rule-based workflow management system U-WAM, which allows even further flexibility with individually programmable criteria.
If your lab is growing, your urinalysis solution can grow with you. Whichever urinalysis workflow solution you start with, you can flexibly extend it by adding extra modules at a later stage. Splitting your solution is also possible at any point in time, for example, if order profiles change.
UC-3500: sensitivity and speed
Because we offer routine test strips that include both microalbumin and creatinine test pads, you can detect kidney damage early on. The UC-3500 offers fast and highly accurate measurements, with the capacity to analyse 276 samples per hour*. With these two facts combined, it means you are able to begin patient treatment quickly and specifically.
UF-5000 / UF-4000: technology that makes a difference
Fluorescence flow cytometry is at the focus of the UF-5000 / UF-4000. The cells are separated and counted by generating different signals depending on cell type. You can process all samples on UF or you can do an automatic selection based on results from the UC-3500. Or, if you don’t need test strip analysis, the UF can be your primary analyser for all urine samples undergoing sediment analysis.
Thanks to our unique signal detection, the UF ensures an accurate cell count through the illumination of each separate cell by a semiconductor laser beam. The UF is also able to sub-classify epithelial cells and casts to immediately get an indication of whether a patient is suffering from renal damage, for example, and to which degree.
Every UF has an integrated body fluid mode available with the click of a button and offers nine diagnostic parameters. In body fluids, the crucial cell concentrations are usually very low. In its body fluid mode, the UF covers the minimum detection limit of 15 RBC / µL 2 WBC/µL using its proven fluorescence flow cytometry method. It can count the red and white blood cells and the total of nucleated cells within about a minute. The differentiation of bacterial or viral infections can also be presumed from the combination of WBC differentiation and bacterial count.
UD-10: the smart way of digital imaging
In some cases, a closer look at your results is required – with the UD-10 we can truly automate your urinalysis workflow. The digital imaging device, which captures the particle images in urine samples, provides a detailed view of crucial urine particles without performing any manual steps. By defining the trigger criteria for UD analysis, you can modify the workflow to meet your lab’s specific needs. With our solution, you only look at those samples and particle types that you wish to investigate further.
U-WAM: workflow tailored to you
The Urinalysis Work Area Management system, or U-WAM, brings the whole system together and displays all modules’ results on one screen. You get the full diagnostic overview of samples without losing any time or details. To further show that we offer full flexibility, rule sets can be customised for workflow optimisation.

Where the UN-Series can really make a difference
Bacterial urinary infections are rather common and can lead to serious conditions, however using a UF in your microbiology lab can be extremely beneficial for both clinicians and patients.
The UF allows you to promptly rule out negative samples where a UTI is suspected. This means that you can proceed immediately with those that are UTI-positive. From there, you also get the full bacteria count and based on the cells’ staining behaviour, whether they are Gram-positive or Gram-negative, which allows clinicians to get a good insight on which antibiotic may work best for the patient.
More than sediment analysis: infection management
By utilising the ‘Bact info’ flag**, you can select specific culture media for incubating the positive samples and confirming possible treatment options. You can save a lot of time because initial results are available within minutes instead of days. Treatment can then be started earlier and is more targeted, relieving patients’ pain quicker and helping prevent antibiotic resistances.
Lighting the way with diagnostics
Sysmex is unique in that we are the world’s only IVD company that stains particles and utilises fluorescence flow cytometry to get the most accurate count and differentiation of cells.
We aim to shape the advancement of healthcare by providing healthcare professionals around the world with exceptional medical diagnostics products and solutions. Through our application of knowledge and teamwork with our stakeholders and network, and through the creation of products that truly address issues at hand, we are making a positive impact on the way in which laboratories do business. At the end of the day, our ultimate motivator and shared goal is to improve patient care together.
For more information, please visit www.sysmex-europe.com!
* For further detailed information please refer to instructions for use.
** “Bact info” flag is a software flag message and not intended for patient diagnosis use.
Source: Sysmex
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