Global healthcare report identifies best practices
Health organisations and governments should seek solutions beyond their own borders.
Health organisations and governments should seek solutions beyond their own borders.
Across Europe there are different answers to the question of who should manage intensive care. In Germany the issue is linked to a discussion on which medical field could claim surgical intensive care for itself.
The destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina was felt so strongly at HIMSS '06, the annual meeting of North America's Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, which drew over 24,500 healthcare IT professionals and hospital executives to San Diego in February, that the Society decided to hold its 2007 meeting in New Orleans to bring dollars to the city's damaged economy.
The question of who should manage intensive care was hotly debated at the 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (GSTCVS); not always essentially, frequently aggressively, sometimes even insulting says EH Correspondent Holger Zorn
The case for structured training, board certification and revalidation*
Within the five-days of ECR 2006, the congress management collaborated with European Hospital to hold another two-day:
UK - Fire-fighters are being trained to assess possible cardiac patients in emergencies, and to use automatic defibrillators and oxygen therapy.
The 12th annual European Radiology Congress, held in Vienna, received 16,000 visitors from 90 countries.
Science and culture: between tradition and modernity. Interview with Christian Herold, Head of the Clinical Department for Radiodiagnostics at the General Hospital Vienna, Austria.
A report about the installation of a new HIS in combinations with the setting up of a new Economic Software platform at Semmelweis University.
It is the largest meeting of its kind with 5,000 participants.
Healthcare has no room for inefficiencies. Public healthcare managers, especially for hospitals, have to provide an increasing volume of high-level healthcare services with limited resources.
Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited hospitals have long expressed an interest in performance measurement to support quality improvement efforts and to provide a valid base for local, national, and international comparisons.
The European Comission was on of the first funding agencies ...
Radiologists working abroad - the reality
The Working Party for Clinical Neuroscience, set up two years ago, ...
The Imaging Science Institute (ISI) — officially opened in December by Professor Werner Bautz, Director of the Institute of Radiology at the University Hospital Erlangen and Professor Erich R Reinhardt, member of the board at Siemens AG and chairman of the divisional board at Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen) — is the third institute (after Berlin and Tubingen) in which Siemens is…
England - The Thames Gateway Business Awards
In the first six months of 2004, over 17,000 people sought help and advice from the German Pain Union (Deutsche Schmerzliga), which demonstrates the high number of people, in Germany alone, who have failed to find a therapy that can alleviate recurrent or chronic pains
Waiting lists, EU limits on working hours, doctor and nursing staff shortages, how could healthcare providers overcome all those hurdles let alone glimpse the winning post ahead?
The Netherlands - Immediately after the tsunami devastated countries around Asia, three trauma researchers at the Department Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands, as well as from the Department Military Psychiatry, Central Military Hospital in Utrecht, became involved in the care for a group of wounded Dutch patients who had been in Phuket.
Most patients who receive health information change lifestyle and believe they reap benefits, according to a study carried out in Europe and the USA.
The 25th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, to be held at the Congress Centre in Brussels, will see us celebrate our Silver Anniversary, when we will reflect on 25 years of meetings that have encouraged the presentation, discussion, and debate of intensive care medicine, and when we also look forward to what the next 25 years may bring.
Switzerland - Dr Margretta Madden Styles, a nurse-scholar recognised as an international leader in nursing education, regulation and credentialing, is to be presented with the Christiane Reimann Prize at the International Council of Nurses Congress in Taiwan, this May.
The Hartmann European Care Award 2004 has been presented to Dagmar Erdkönig, Petra Makara and Claudia Reicher of Austria.