
“Health IT is as important as water or electricity”

The Nordic countries have a reputation for being among Europe's avant-garde in the field of digital healthcare solutions. HealthTech Wire talked to Arto Ryymin, executive Vice President of Tieto's healthcare and welfare business, about what the rest of Europe can learn from the Nordic countries and about how health IT companies can support the standardization efforts under way in Europe.

Digital pens quickly collect care data

Within a project named `Healthcare Documentation & Digital Pen´, Hamburg based IT firm Allpen is to supply digital pens to 300 employees of the healthcare association Diakonie Pflegeverbund Berlin. Based on Swedish firm Anoto's Digital Pen and Paper (DP&P) technology, each pen is fitted with a digital camera and comes with raster paper, which can be printed out either as a care form or…

Hospitals cannot survive without IT

A study carried out this year by the VHitG e.V. (a German association of IT solutions providers for healthcare) produced the first complete market analysis of systems installed in hospitals, along with an evaluation of the use of IT through the subjective appraisals of the users. The objective of the standardised online questionnaire, in which 480 people participated, was to determine the trends,…


Neues Telemedizin-Internetportal in NRW

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Telemedizin und die ZTG Zentrum für Telematik im Gesundheitswesen GmbH, haben eine engere Zusammenarbeit beschlossen. Beide Partner sind überzeugt, dass die Telemedizin für die Modernisierung und zukünftige Leistungsfähigkeit des Gesundheitswesens eine bedeutende Ressource darstellt.


Real time EPRs go mobile

Medical professionals have immediate access to patients' clinical records. They are able to check results and to ask for internal consultations: This is possible thanks to the Florence Mobile which was presented at the Microsoft Iberia Meeting in Budapest.


Members of the EC Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Ilias Iakovidis, Deputy Head of Unit, and Project Officers Flora Giorgio and Michael Palmer, outline the potential of a project set to bring cross-border healthcare into reality.

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