Laws & regulations


Low nurse levels cause deaths

Geneva - Inadequate staffing is reaching crisis levels in all regions, according to the International Council of Nurses (ICN). Among studies reviewed, one showed that an increased workload from four to six surgical patients resulted in a 14% increase in the chance of a patient in that nurse's care dying within 30 days of admission.


Air pollution

Whilst the harmful impact of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on various medical conditions was already known, only now is there evidence that NO2 in air pollution is a killer. According to the APHEA-2 study the chief culprits are emissions from diesel engines, which are increasingly popular in Europe.


Healthcare service is an `export´ business

Germany - Health Care Export, a new four-year project run by the Institute for Work and Technology (IWT) and the Sozial- und Seniorenwirtschaftszentrum in Gelsenkirchen, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, and by advertising and public relations measures from VVA Health Marketing Ltd, aims to develop international standards for international healthcare service…

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