
Slovak's private radiology institute

First came state-of-the-art equipment, then patients. Now, says Peter Bor×uta, patience is also needed, before perhaps the chance to carry out research becomes a reality. Peter Boruta MD PhD is Professor of Radiology and Head of Radiology at Slovak Medical University, in Bratislava, and Director of the Diagnostic Imaging Institute in Trnava.


Want to invest into healthcare?

Dr A Tamosiunas, Associate Professor at the Radiology Centre in the Medical Faculty at Vilnius University, Lithuania, and Director of the Radiology Centre at Vilnius University Hospital, discusses the present situation and future development of the radiology services in Lithuania with EH correspondent Andrius Vagoras


Expanding medical horizons

This was the motto of the ECR 2007 in Vienna, where a group of high-ranking experts discussed diseases of the 21st century; research competition between the US and Europe; the conditions needed to progress leading medical R&D - moderated by Congress President Professor Christian J Herold.


Contrast media

In 2001, an astonishing 12.2 million contrast medium-supported CT studies were carried out in Europe alone. Currently, the overall sales of contrast media are estimated to rise to $915 million in Europe in 2008.


Image-Guided Neurosurgery Suite at Barrow Neurological Institute

GE Healthcare and Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center implementet a MR-guided intra-operative surgical suite. This new system includes one of the world's most comprehensive portfolio of neuro-imaging solutions, which uses three-dimensional imaging to navigate and validate treatments to help increase both the accuracy and speed of interventions while improving…

Dyssynchrony Imaging

Dyssynchrony Imaging (DI), Toshiba's novel Doppler technology, is used as a quantitative clinical tool for rapid assessment of dyssynchrony in patients with suspected myomechanical dysfunction. From the parasternal short axis view, DI is applied by Toshiba's exclusive “angle-correction” technology and in apical views by standard Doppler imaging. Thus, DI permits evaluation of virtually all…


State of the art technology for biomedical imaging

A convenient technology to quantify three-dimensional (3D) morphological features would have widespread applications in biomedical research. Now, researchers from Umea University in Sweden presented a new method for 3D imaging and quantification of biological preparations ten times larger than the limit for traditional confocal microscopes.


New technology can reduce number of biopsies

Approximately 75 percent of all biopsies are negative, which is of course the good news. But looking at the side effects of this invasive method combined with a long waiting time for the results, a biopsy is nevertheless an unpleasant procedure for the women affected. A new promising technology now offers the possibility to differentiate benign and malignant tissue due to an adjunct of the…


National smoking ban begins

From 1 February, France has implemented the first wave of a national smoking ban, with all health and administrative buildings, educational establishments and public transport becoming smoke-free areas. Smoking is also banned in all other workplaces, except in specially designated smoking rooms, which non-smokers would not have to enter for any reason.



Slovakia was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire until 1918, when Czechs and Slovaks were brought together to form the Czechoslovak Republic. After World War II, and up to 1948, the country was still part of Europe, but then fell behind the 'Iron Curtain'. From 1989 it began 'knocking on the EU door' and entry was granted in 2003. Today Slovakia's population is around 5.38 million. To serve…


Cardiovascular imaging

The US finally did it: radiologists and cardiologists got together to draft guidelines for cardiovascular imaging procedures and define quality standards. However, Europe still awaits a binding consensus to end internal squabbles in hospitals. Meike Lerner, of European Hospital, discussed this situation with Professor Ernst E van der Wall MD, (right) Head of the Department of Cardiology at Leiden…


Molecular imaging

GE was the first to undertake molecular imaging development on a large scale. 'You have to be a very special company to work in this discipline,' Reinaldo Garcia, President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Healthcare International, pointed out, when we asked for an update on his company's progress in this field


Time-saving breast biopsy tools

MR-guided interventional breast procedures have increased dramatically over the last few years. Noras MRI Products, of Hochberg, Germany, is an established specialist manufacturer of instruments and accessories for this field. At ECR 2007, the company will demonstrate two systems.


The world's first wireless & radio controlled injector with Bluetooth technology

Launching its newest Accutron series injector, Medtron AG proudly reports that the injector's high levels of accuracy, efficacy, and safety result from fifteen years' experience in development, the intensive research of the expert team, their close follow-up of imaging modalities and, finally, their experience in addressing end-user input and needs.

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