Groundbreaking new CT: Aquilion 64
The Aquilion 64 builds on previous CT technology with its unique 64-slice detector, isotropic scanning and VolumeView volume reconstruction technology to offer greater diagnostic capabilities enabling patients to avoid invasive medical procedures. The Aquilion 64 demonstrates Toshiba's in-depth industry knowledge and desire to deliver leading-edge CT technology and applications to the medical imaging world. It permits the use of isotropic resolution for all examinations while maintaining short scan times. This translates to shorter breathhold times and less contrast usage for CT angiographic studies. This introduction furthers Toshiba's industry leadership in CT. An important segment within the company's product portfolio, CT is helping to drive the company's growth, which is exceeding market growth rates. As part of the company's ongoing growth strategy, patient-focused technology is a critical concern.

This article was first published in the VISIONS, issue 6/2004, a publication of Toshiba Medical Systems