Facility management


Of mounting importance

They are rarely noticed but nevertheless they carry a lot of weight in a hospital: intelligent mounting solutions for medical equipment and monitors. While the eyes of physicians, nurses and patients alike tend to be fixed on the device, hardly anybody ever looks at the way, the device is fixed to the wall or the ceiling. The engineers of CIM med, based in Munich, Germany, however did have a…


2-D building navigation

People are confronted daily with finding their way in new buildings and building complexes. Generally these are intricate, have numerous sections distributed among different houses and/or floors. Whether in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, airports, or other large building complexes, finding the way to a particular destination can be an extremely difficult or even an impossible undertaking.


Successful operating theatre re-structuring

The new surgical wing at Knappschafts Hospital in Bottrop, Germany, has exceeded all expectations. In four years the concept has increased available operation times by over 30%. We asked the project supervisor, Dr Peter Hügler, who heads the Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy Clinic, how such a significant success was realised.


Ethianum in Heidelberg with future proof infrastructure

The Ethianum in Heidelberg is one of the first clinics in Germany to align itself consistently according to sustainability criteria, thus making it a hospital in keeping with the spirit of Siemens' Green+ Hospital Program. Working in partnership with the Ethianum, Siemens has developed and implemented comprehensive solutions: These include energy management, patient care, and the communications…

Ultraviolet light - an invisible weapon against MRSA

A few years ago, Dr Peder Bo Nielsen MD FRCPath, Consultant medical microbiologist at Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK, launched a research programme on airborne transmission of nosocomial infections. Until then, so called air-biology held no high priority in infection prevention and control. The prevailing perception was that colonisation and contamination mainly happens due to direct contact…


The sustainable hospital

‘Sustainability’ is more than a buzz word. The original meaning – to limit the use of natural resources so they will be available for future generations – has been expanded to encompass an economic as well as a social dimension. Companies – including hospitals – are increasingly integrating the concept of sustainability in their corporate strategies.


Light and color: Healthcare Lighting presented by Siemens

At the RSNA 2009, the congress of the Radiological Society of North America, Siemens Healthcare presents "Healthcare Lighting", a concept for lighting design in medical facilities, aimed at creating a friendly and colorful environment instead of the common bland hospital atmosphere. Practical experience to date shows that many patients feel more comfortable and are more relaxed when the…

Expanding your diagnostic imaging services?

If you need to expand your diagnostic imaging services and a fixed installation is too costly but a mobile solution cannot cover your demand, Alliance Medical, Europe's largest provider of out-sourced diagnostic imaging services, reports that it could become your partner. "Did you ever think about a semi-static installation?" the company asks. "The services we can offer by far exceed the…


Hospital of the Future

Classic orientation around the number of beds in hospital planning will soon be obsolete in modern healthcare systems. Capacity planning must be oriented around the demand for health services and not the patients' length of stay, the authors of a new study on the necessary reforms in hospital planning demanded at the European Health Forum Gastein.


“Prize of Prizes”

Feig got the nomination for the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2010 for the wall-mounted readers ID RW02.10 / ID CPR02.10 / ID CPR50.10 and the desktop readers ID RW40.30 / ID CPR40.30. They belong to the product families OBID® classic (125 kHz range) and OBID® classic-pro (13.56 MHz).


Hospital architecture

Swanke Hayden Connell Architects (SHCA), an award-winning practice that specializes in workplace consulting, architecture and interior design, has eight offices in Europe, America and Russia and has designed healthcare environments throughout the UK, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Among these is the £300 million King's Mill Hospital, a PFI institution now under construction in…

Solving the nuclear isotopes shortage

At the end of January, the of Concerned Scientists issued a call to improve supplies of nuclear isotopes, which is used in medical imaging. In the face of no firm plans to solve these problems, Tom Ruth, of TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada, has proposed both short and long-term visions for the future in an Essay in the science journal Nature.


Bad perspectives for medical imaging industry

According the Healthcare Group at Frost & Sullivan the global economic meltdown has ensured reduced uptake rates for most medical imaging modalities across Europe. The medical imaging industry also experienced lower expenditure on research and development in 2008, thereby hindering the launch of new technologies.

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