Facility management

UK: Rosie's energy-saving programme saves £-thousands

In May 2006 the Rosie Hospital, in Cambridge, UK, launched a competition challenging staff to suggest ways to save energy or time. Many came up with energy saving ideas. This resulted in the creation of the Rosie Energy Awareness programme. Monitoring energy usage of various items of medical equipment within hospital, for example ultrasound machines, the energy statistics provided staff with a…


Building a New Hospital in Spain on Schedule and within Budget

Luis Barcia Albacar, Director General of Torrevieja Salud UTE Hospital in Torrevieja, Spain, shared his experience of building a new hospital within budget and opening on schedule in October 2006 with all services operational. Located on the east coast of Spain, the 220-bed hospital was built to accommodate a full-time population of 213,000, but also needed to be able to service the surge of…



In the heart of Paris, the Necker children's hospital, the oldest in the world dedicated to paediatrics, was suffocating inside a completely inward-looking enclave. The challenge was to achieve a vast upheaval to overcome the hospital's lack of relationship with its surroundings and open it onto the city, while also carrying out an in-depth metamorphosis to adapt it to new requirements.


Vienna about to reorganise its hospital landscape

Vienna is facing comprehensive restructuring of its hospital landscape in order to accommodate the demographic changes in the Austrian capital city. Currently, in northern Vienna approximately three beds are available per 1,000 inhabitants, in western Vienna there are nine. It is planned to provide six beds per 1,000 inhabitants in Vienna by 2012/2013.

Die AFHdialogTAGE

Innovative Lösungen und neue Technologien diskutieren, Herausforderungen gemeinsam annehmen - dafür stehen die AFHdialogTAGE des Asklepios Future Hospital Programms (AFH). Die zweitägige Fachtagung findet am 28. und 29.Januar in Berlin statt.


Bern Inselspital relies on consulting expertise from Hamburg

In the Bern Inselspital, one of Switzerland's most renowned university hospitals with a tradition of more than 650 years, change is underway: within the next six years the university hospital grounds are to be wholly replanned and restructured. An enormous task, as the colleagues from the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) can certainly attest, since here they are already in the midst of…


New Breath for the Avignonnaise Radiology

Twenty years ago, during the construction of the Henri Duffaut Hospital in the community of Avignon, on the banks of the Durance, we transferred our radiology service at the Hospital St. Marthe (today the University Centre of Avignon, classified as a historical monument by the government) to the first floor of the new hospital. Over the years, our service has been restructured and adapted to the…


Innovative Interventional Digital Cardiology Solution with the Flat Panel Detector

Located in the southeastern part of Brussels, the “Cliniques de l'Europe” is a group of three clinics: Saint Elisabeth, Deux Alices and St. Michel. Over a period of several years, our organization has been restructured and adapted to the needs of this facility which serves a local population of approximately 250,000. Cliniques de l'Europe has at its disposal a complete range of dedicated…


How much IT does healthcare really need?

The question is increasingly significant. Information technology (IT) has thrust itself into all corners of life — some argue for better, some for worse, largely because efficient electronic networking cannot happen overnight. Thus gatherings to share experiences are valuable, as seen in the Berliner Klinik-IT Forum, a two-day event in January, supported by the Charité Berlin. The theme was:…

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