

Patient data at risk

A transatlantic survey of more than a thousand healthcare professionals has shown that over a third are unwittingly putting personal information at risk by storing patient records, medical images, contact details, corporate data and other sensitive information on mobile devices such as laptops, BlackBerrys and USB sticks - and not adequately securing them.

LWI: The novel Web-based international trading portal

LifeWorld International Inc (LWI), the internet portal for bilateral global trade in science products and technology transfer of healthcare equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and computer technology, enables public and private sector buyers to obtain the products and services they need while offering reputable and pre-qualified sellers to present their products in reverse online auctions.


Med-tech industry profits are hit by the global financial crisis

The sector is ‘clearly strained’, says Joachim M. Schmitt, Managing Director and Member of Board of the German Medical Technology Association, BVMed, in Berlin. But, the good news is, employment is up and, he adds ‘We are at the beginning of a medical technology revolution’. ‘Overall, healthcare is certainly more panic-proof than, for example, the automobile industry,’ said Joachim…


eHealth for safe, high quality and efficient cross-border healthcare

Health systems and health policies across the EU are becoming ever more interconnected which raises many health policy issues. On 2 July 2008, in the context of the Renewed Social Agenda, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. Essential precondition for cross-border healthcare is the existence of electronic health record systems…


ResearchGATE: the first social network for researchers

Despite the importance of networking and interaction between researchers and scientists no social networking platform dedicated to researchers existed before ResearchGATE ( went online. Designed to facilitate efficient peer-to-peer contact, this network allows researchers to post their profiles, a CV, publication list and research skills. On behalf of European Hospital, Dr…



Designed by a team of radiologists, the latest release of OsiriX 3.0.1 on the Mac Pro 8-core was demonstrated for the first time at the recent European Congress of Radiology (ECR). OsiriX - a powerful image processing software dedicated to DICOM images (.dcm / DCM extension) produced by imaging equipment (MRI, CT, PET, PET-CT etc.) and confocal microscopy (LSM and BioRAD-PIC format) - a…

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