Computer-assisted diabetes risk management
Optimal treatment of diabetes is very difficult to achieve since many obstacles have to be overcome such as expensive treatments, poor patient compliance or insufficient datac. With these challenges in mind, a new research project titled "Computerassisted Diabetes Risk Management (CDRM)" was put in place to examine how eHealth solutions can improve diabetes care.

The project is a collaboration among several organizations: the eHealth specialist InterComponentWare (ICW), Roche Diagnostics, telematics company GeTeG, the Philipps University Marburg, and the University Medical Center Groningen. It offers people with diabetes in the Rhine-Neckar region of Germany with a newly developed system consisting of a combination of software solutions and digital devices. By harnessing the power of technology, the project authors hope to improve quality of care to reduce long-term complications of diabetes and strengthen quality of life for people who suffer from the disease.
How does the new Diabetes Risk Management System work?
The Diabetes Risk Management System consists of various software solutions offered by ICW and Accu-Chek blood glucose measurement devices provided by Roche Diagnostics. The components of the risk management system automate data flow and documentation and thus facilitate diabetes management that conforms to current treatment guidelines.
During the course of the study, ICW will provide patients with the personal health record LifeSensor®. Roche Diagnostics will supply patients with blood glucose meters (Accu-Chek® Aviva and the information management system Accu-Chek® SmartPix) free of charge. On a regular basis, patients will measure their blood glucose values at home. Via Accu-Chek SmartPix they will be able to analyze easy-to-understand blood glucose graphs and statistics on their personal computers.
The Roche Diagnostics glucose meters can save up to 400 values. At the patient's next consultation, these data will be transferred to a physician's computer and uploaded to the CDM Diabetes Monitor, a software solution based on ICW's Care and Disease Manager application. The CDM Diabetes Monitor improves management of diabetes patients in the primary care study setting.
In addition to blood glucose data, the CDM Diabetes Monitor collects further information relevant for diabetes patients including basic parameters such as blood pressure, weight, waist and hip size. Moreover, laboratory blood test results are also collected. These data are then transferred via an integrated interface to Roche Diagnostics where it is processed into an Accu-Chek® Mellibase risk report. Based on the patient's individual health status, the risk report provides him or her with a 10-year risk prognosis of developing complications related to diabetes. The report also explains how this risk can be reduced by optimizing the patient's diabetes care. This information constitutes the basis for a decision-making process that focuses on the patient's unique health situation.
The Accu-Chek Mellibase report is made available to physicians via the CDM Diabetes Monitor. Likewise, the report will also be stored in patient's personal LifeSensor record.
Study design
The study is a prospective, randomized and controlled intervention study. In total 1,200 patients with type 2 diabetes will be recruited. These patients range in age between 38 and 68 years. Twenty-four primary care physicians and one specialist will also participate in the study. The research project is scheduled to be completed within 2 years. During the study period, patients will have at least four health check visits at six months intervals.
The concept for the CDRM research project was designed by the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands in cooperation with the Institute of Medical Sociology and Social Medicine at the Philipps University Marburg, Germany. For further information on the scientific evaluation, please visit the study's homepage: