LWI: The novel Web-based international trading portal

LifeWorld International Inc (LWI), the internet portal for bilateral global trade in science products and technology transfer of healthcare equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and computer technology, enables public and private sector buyers to obtain the products and services they need while offering reputable and pre-qualified sellers to present their products in reverse online auctions.

What is a reverse online auction? In traditional auctions, bidders drive up prices. In a reverse online auction the seller who offers the lowest and best price will be able to close the deal. The offer is made by the seller, not the buyer, which means the buyer always maintains control over the process.

During an auction both parties remain anonymous. LWI creates a direct link between seller and buyer, so they can then bypass a complicated search for suitable partners, costly advertising and marketing measures as well as middlemen.
The auctions are open to sellers and buyers who are members of LifeWorld International Inc. The member is assigned a PIN and log-in code, ensuring anonymous bidding and preventing price fixing. Both buyer and seller remain anonymous until the bidding process ends.
Only after a buyer has informed LWI about which anonymous seller he would like to negotiate, the contact between the parties will be arranged. LWI is not party to the negotiations but assumes support and service functions only.
Importantly, this system allows small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in bigger tenders.
LifeWorld International, Inc. (LWI) is part of The McClure Group. Upon request, McClure Law Firm LLC (www.mcclurelawfirm.net) will assist in clarifying legal or import/export issues.
Details: www.lifeworldinternational.com


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