

More distributors wanted

France - Danube, one of the world's biggest manufacturers of both flatwork dryer ironers, barrier washers, and tumble dryers, as well as front-loading washer extractors for the OPL market, has distributors in over 52 countries.



The question of who should manage intensive care was hotly debated at the 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (GSTCVS); not always essentially, frequently aggressively, sometimes even insulting says EH Correspondent Holger Zorn


Decade of IT under-funding in the USA

The destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina was felt so strongly at HIMSS '06, the annual meeting of North America's Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, which drew over 24,500 healthcare IT professionals and hospital executives to San Diego in February, that the Society decided to hold its 2007 meeting in New Orleans to bring dollars to the city's damaged economy.

Major order

The largest European service contract in the hospital sector, worth around €60 million, was recently awarded, by the Charité Hospital in Berlin, to Vamed, the Austrian hospital specialist. The project includes the out-sourcing of non-medical service areas.

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